All Stories

  1. Dynamic Characteristics of Penor Peat Using MASW Method
  2. Construction on peat
  3. Infrastructure construction on peat
  4. amy and her work
  5. stress strain on peat soil
  6. dynamic loading on peat soil
  7. shrinkage on peat soil
  8. Geophysic on soft soil
  9. Stress-Strain Behavior of Parit Nipah Peat
  10. The Characteristics of Pontian Peat Under Dynamic Loading
  11. An Evaluation of Shrinkage Measurement on Undisturbed Peat Soil Using Modified Techniques
  12. Data Acquisition Challenges on Peat Soil Using Seismic Refraction
  13. Determination of Shear Wave Velocity Using Multi-channel Analysis of Surface Wave Method and Shear Modulus Estimation of Peat Soil at Western Johore
  14. Behaviour of Peat Soil in Instrumented Physical Model Studies
  15. Innovative Laboratory Assessment of the Resilient Behaviour of Materials (Rigid, Elastic and Particulates)