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  1. Umberto Bongianino: The Manuscript Tradition of the Islamic West: Maghribi Round Scripts and the Andalusi Identity (Edinburgh Studies in Islamic Art.) 528 pp. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2022. £110. ISBN 9781474499583.
  2. MARTOS QUESADA, Juan, Historiografía andalusí. Manual de fuentes árabes para la historia de al-Andalus. Prólogo de Javier Albarrán. 2 vols. Colección Al-Andalus nº 1. Cáceres: Universidad de Extremadura; Sociedad Española de Estudios Medievales; Consej...
  3. The Absence of the Jewish Usurer Trope in Andalusī Written Sources
  4. Mobility among the Andalusī quḍāt: Social Advancement and Spatial Displacement in a Professional Context
  5. Texts from medieval al-Andalus and the Maghreb found in 20th-century manuscripts of the Horn.
  6. Mālik b. Anas, Al-Muwaṭṭaʾ: The Recension of Yaḥyā b. Yaḥyā al-Laythī; A Translation of the Royal Moroccan Edition
  7. Zawāl al-taraḥ: un comentario al poema de Ibn Faraḥ al-Išbīlī (m. 699/1300) en un manuscrito etíope del siglo XIX
  8. Transfer of Knowledge in Twentieth-Century Muslim Ethiopia: The Library of al-Šayḫ al-Ḥāǧǧ Ḥabīb from Wällo
  9. Local features of Ethiopian Islam in locally-produced amulets
  10. State-of-the-art regarding Qur'anic readings and exegesis in al-Andalus
  11. Wine trade between Muslims and non-Muslims in the Islamic West