All Stories

  1. Dual Sympathetic Input into Developing Salivary Glands
  2. Solving Clinical Problems with Anatomical Solutions
  3. The Impact of the Eda Pathway on Tooth Root Development
  4. Anatomical Society Winter meeting, King's College London, London 2016
  5. The teeth of non-mammalian vertebrates By BerkovitzBarry K. B., ShellisPeter Academic Press, 2016. ISBN-10: 0128028505
  6. A Critique of the Toxicoferan Hypothesis
  7. Major evolutionary transitions and innovations: the tympanic middle ear
  8. Complex patterns of tooth replacement revealed in the fruit bat ( Eidolon helvum )
  9. An interview with Abigail Tucker
  10. Introduction
  11. Apoptosis in Early Salivary Gland Duct Morphogenesis and Lumen Formation
  12. Root and Eruption Defects in c-Fos Mice Are Driven by Loss of Osteoclasts
  13. Salivary Gland Dysplasia in Fgf10 Heterozygous Mice: A New Mouse Model of Xerostomia
  14. Developmental mechanisms underlying differential claw expression in the autopodia of geckos
  15. A Critique of the Toxicoferan Hypothesis
  16. Development and Integration of the Ear
  17. The development of complex tooth shape in reptiles
  18. The Slice Culture Method for Following Development of Tooth Germs In Explant Culture
  19. Modulation of c-Myb during chondrogenesis
  20. The origin of the stapes and relationship to the otic capsule and oval window
  21. Tooth development in a model reptile: functional and null generation teeth in the gecko Paroedura picta
  22. Evolution of the mammalian middle ear and jaw: adaptations and novel structures
  23. Lineage tracing of the endoderm during oral development
  24. Apoptotic Signaling in Mouse Odontogenesis
  25. Embryonic development of the monitor lizard, Varanus indicus
  26. Morphogenesis and bone integration of the mouse mandibular third molar
  27. Shh signalling restricts the expression of Gcm2 and controls the position of the developing parathyroids
  28. Contribution of mesoderm to the developing dental papilla
  29. The pharyngeal pouches and clefts: Development, evolution, structure and derivatives
  30. Salivary Gland Adaptations: Modification of the Glands for Novel Uses
  31. Current knowledge of tooth development: patterning and mineralization of the murine dentition
  32. Enamel-free teeth: Tbx1 deletion affects amelogenesis in rodent incisors
  33. Loss of teeth and enamel in tetrapods: fossil record, genetic data and morphological adaptations
  34. Tooth Morphogenesis and Patterning: Molecular Genetics
  35. Incudomalleal joint formation: the roles of apoptosis, migration and downregulation
  36. Tooth Morphogenesis and Patterning: Molecular Genetics
  37. Joint formation in the middle ear: Lessons from the mouse and guinea pig
  38. The cutting-edge of mammalian development; how the embryo makes teeth
  39. Craniofacial Development
  40. Tail bud determination in the vertebrate embryo