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  1. Fractal theory of thermoelasticity in non‐integer dimension space
  2. Computational analysis for influence of nonlocal stress theory with memory during thermoelastic mass diffusion
  3. Piezothermoelastic vibrations of microbeam resonator with memory effects
  4. Thermal waves based on the thermomass model due to mechanical damage with memory
  5. Studies on Piezoelectric vibrations in thermoelastic microbeam resonator with memory and nonlocal effects
  6. Memory-Dependent Derivative and Magnetic Field for a Rotating Thermoelastic Medium with Voids under Thermal Loading Due to the Laser Pulse
  7. On the Photo-thermoelastic interaction in a functionally graded medium due to nonlocal heat transport
  8. Elasto-Thermodiffusion in a Slim Strip Revisited with New Definition of Nonlocal Heat Conduction
  9. Thermomechanical interaction in a living tissue due to variable thermal loading with memory
  10. Modeling of nonlocal Caputo–Fabrizio integral models in a nanoscale resonator
  11. Size-dependent effect on the interaction of surface waves in micropolar thermoelastic medium with dual pore connectivity
  12. Photothermoelastic interaction in a two-dimensional semiconductor with nonlocal stress theory
  13. Elasto‐thermodiffusive interaction under void due to nonlocal stress theory
  14. Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Interaction in a Poroelastic Half-Space with Nonlocal Memory Effects
  15. Magneto-photo-thermoelastic interaction in a slim strip characterized by hereditary features with two relaxation times
  16. Thermoelastic Interaction in a Functionally Graded Medium due to Refined Three-Phase-Lag Green-Naghdi Model Under Gravitational Field
  17. Caputo-Fabrizio heat transport in a moving thin slab due to laser pulse
  18. Moore–Gibson–Thompson generalized heat conduction in a thick plate
  19. Photo-thermoelastic inter action in a semiconductor with cylindrical cavity due to memory-effect
  20. Elasto-thermodiffusive nonlocal responses for a spherical cavity due to memory effect
  21. Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Nonlocal Response on Porous Deep-Sea Sediments Under Vibration of Mining Vehicle
  22. Nonlocal effects in a functionally graded thermoelastic layer due to volumetric absorption laser
  23. Thermal wave propagation in a two-dimensional problem under gravitational field due to time-dependent thermal loading and memory effect
  24. Field equations and memory effects in a functionally graded magneto-thermoelastic rod
  25. Effect of nonlocality in the vibration of a microscale ribbon due to laser pulse
  26. Healing of the cancer tissues under the action of moving heat and non-local Caputo–Fabrizio heat transport
  27. Effect of non-locality in the vibration of a micro-scale beam under two-temperature memory responses
  28. The memory effect on thermal wave propagation in a moving thin slab
  29. The Caputo‐Fabrizio heat transport law in vibration analysis of a microscale beam induced by laser
  30. Memory response on wave propagation in a micropolar magneto-thermo-viscoelastic half-space
  31. Elasto-thermodiffusive interaction subjected to rectangular thermal pulse and time-dependent chemical shock due to Caputo-Fabrizio heat transfer
  32. Effect of hydrostatic pressure and memory effect on magneto-thermoelastic materials with two-temperatures
  33. Transient heating in a spherical tissue due to thermal therapy in the context of memory-dependent heat transport law
  34. Effect of nonlocality and memory responses in the thermoelastic problem with a Mode I crack
  35. A generalized thermoelastic problem due to nonlocal effect in presence of mode I crack
  36. A graded spherical tissue under thermal therapy : the treatment of cancer cells
  37. A memory response on the elasto-thermodiffusive interaction subjected to rectangular thermal pulse and chemical shock
  38. Non-local memory-dependent heat conduction in a magneto-thermoelastic problem
  39. Memory responses in a three-dimensional thermo-viscoelastic medium
  40. Memory response in the vibration of a micro-scale beam due to time-dependent thermal loading
  41. Transient response in an elasto-thermo-diffusive medium in the context of memory-dependent heat transfer
  42. Wave propagation analysis of porous asphalts on account of memory responses
  43. Photo-thermo-elastic wave propagation in an orthotropic semiconductor with a spherical cavity and memory responses
  44. Photo-thermo-elastic wave propagation under the influence of magnetic field in presence of memory responses
  45. Thermoelastic response of fiber-reinforced epoxy composite under continuous line heat source
  46. Field equations and corresponding memory responses for a fiber-reinforced functionally graded medium due to heat source
  47. Magneto-thermoelastic interaction in a functionally graded medium under gravitational field
  48. Transient heating within skin tissue due to time-dependent thermal therapy in the context of memory dependent heat transport law
  49. Influence of moving heat source on skin tissue in the context of two-temperature Caputo-Fabrizio heat transport law
  50. Thermoelastic interaction in a magneto-thermoelastic rod with memory-dependent derivative due to the presence of moving heat source
  51. Memory response on wave propagation in a thermoelastic plate due to moving band-type thermal loads and magnetic field
  52. Influence of moving heat source on skin tissue in the context of two-temperature memory-dependent heat transport law
  53. Magneto-thermoelastic interaction in a reinforced medium with cylindrical cavity in the context of Caputo–Fabrizio heat transport law
  54. Memory response on thermal wave propagation in an elastic solid with voids due to influence of magnetic field
  55. Memory response on thermal wave propagation in an elastic solid with voids
  56. A memory response in the vibration of a microscale beam induced by laser pulse
  57. Modeling of memory-dependent derivative in a functionally graded plate
  58. Elasto-thermodiffusive response in a spherical shell subjected to memory-dependent heat transfer
  59. Transient response in a piezoelastic medium due to the influence of magnetic field with memory-dependent derivative
  60. Finite element analysis in a fiber-reinforced cylinder due to memory-dependent heat transfer
  61. Modeling of memory-dependent derivative in a fibre-reinforced plate
  62. Modeling of memory-dependent derivative in a fiber-reinforced plate under gravitational effect
  63. Three-Dimensional Thermoelastic Problem Under Two-Temperature Theory
  64. Modeling of Fibre-reinforced Magneto-thermoelastic Plate With Heat Sources
  65. Thermo-viscoelastic Interaction in a Three-dimensional Problem Subjected to Fractional Heat Conduction
  66. Modeling and analysis of vibration of a gold nano-beam under two-temperature theor
  67. Generalized thermoelastic problem of an infinite body with a spherical cavity under dual-phase-lags
  68. Three dimensional viscoelastic medium under thermal shock
  69. Propagation of thermal waves in a functionally graded thick plate
  70. Fibre-reinforced Magneto-thermoelastic Rotating Medium with Fractional Heat Conduction
  71. Fractional heat conduction with finite wave speed in a thermo-visco-elastic spherical shell
  72. Thermoelastic interaction in a viscoelastic functionally graded half-space under three-phase-lag model
  73. Fractional order two-temperature thermoelasticity with finite wave speed
  74. Efficient algorithms for vertex arboricity of planar graphs