All Stories

  1. MICE tourism legacies: The International Conference on Responsible Tourism and Hospitality (ICRTH) 2022
  2. Hotel quarantine guest blogs: Unpacking Scheiner's spaces of immobility and implications on urban tourism politics
  3. Distribution of (In)Equality and Empowerment of Community-Based Tourism: The Case Study of Brunei Darussalam
  5. 2nd International Conference on Responsible Tourism and Hospitality (ICRTH) 2022, 1 – 3 September 2022, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia
  6. Bitcoins
  7. An exploratory study of the experiencescape dimensions and customer revisit intentions for specialty urban coffee shops
  8. Navigating external referencing through COVID-19 disruptions - Teaching tourism policy and planning in Australia and China
  9. Envisioning digitalised value chains in the aftermath of COVID-19: a case study of Philippine coffee
  10. Community-based tourism in East Asia: A bibliometric research note
  11. A crypto-tourism case study of agnes water/seventeen seventy, Australia
  12. Getting a head start: the 2032 Olympic Movement through the preferred candidature bid involving Brisbane, Australia
  14. May the Fourth (Industrial) Revolution be with You: Value Convergence within Uber’s Sharing Economy
  15. Chinese Outbound Tourists and Daigou as Soft Power
  16. Revisiting Online Tourism Forums as Vehicles for Value Co-destruction
  17. ‘To market, to market’: uncovering Daigou touristscapes within Chinese outbound tourism
  18. Hospitality services in the post COVID-19 era: Are we ready for high-tech and no touch service delivery in smart hotels?
  19. Enhancing online learning environments using social presence: evidence from hospitality online courses during COVID-19
  20. The ethics of experimental research employing intrusive technologies in tourism: A collaborative ethnography perspective
  21. Theme Park Disasters and Crisis Management – New Insights towards a Duty of Care in Responsible Tourism Management
  22. Revisiting Online Tourism Forums as Vehicles for Value Co-destruction
  23. Cryptocurrency adoption in travel and tourism – an exploratory study of Asia Pacific travellers
  24. Medical tourism for COVID-19 post-crisis recovery?
  25. Stand Up and be Counted—A Diverse Economy Perspective of Air New Zealand
  26. Eclectic Approaches to Analyze Recreational Cruise Sustainability
  27. Tourism with and by Indigenous and ethnic communities in the Asia Pacific region: a bricolage of people, places and partnerships
  28. South to South Medical Tourists, the Liminality of Iran?
  29. Negotiating leisure etiquette in the context of drones
  30. Social media influence on tourists’ destination choice: importance of context
  31. There’s a troll on the information bridge! An exploratory study of deviant online behaviour impacts on tourism cosmopolitanism
  32. Game on! A new integrated resort business model
  33. Engaging tourists as citizen scientists in marine tourism
  34. Rainbows looming large: digital leisure and youth innovation
  35. About academic conferences and tracing the developments over time and space.
  36. Contemporary Christian travel: pilgrimage, practice and place
  37. 6th Annual conference of the travel & tourism research association Asia Pacific chapter
  38. A policed state – higher education quality policies and influences on Asian tourism scholarship
  39. Stand Up and be Counted—A Diverse Economy Perspective of Air New Zealand
  40. Envisioning Eden: the manufactured ecotourism environment of Singapore
  41. Spilling the social capital beans: a comparative case study of coffee service enterprises within Asia-Pacific
  42. Sand, surgery and stakeholders: A multi-stakeholder involvement model of domestic medical tourism for Australia’s Sunshine Coast
  43. Envisioning Eden: the manufactured ecotourism environment of Singapore
  44. There’s a troll on the information bridge! An exploratory study of deviant online behaviour impacts on tourism cosmopolitanism
  45. When Harry met Sally: different approaches towards Uber and AirBnB—an Australian and Singapore perspective
  46. Social Media in Destination Choice: Distinctive Electronic Word-of-Mouth Dimensions
  47. Heritage tourism in southeast Asia
  48. Ken-Air Tours—The volatile tourism market in Singapore
  49. Travel stimulated by international students in Australia