All Stories

  1. Beyond Failure
  2. Altérités : pluralité ou im-possibilité des mondes – entre ontologies et déconstructions (Sur un bon mot de Donna Haraway)
  3. Glas Struggles
  4. ‘Rideaux rouges’: The Scene of Ideology and the Closure of Representation (Matter and Theatre in Althusser and Derrida)
  5. Companionship, Kinship, Friendship, Readership – and ‘the Possibility of Failure’
  6. 20 Companionship, Kinship, Friendship, Readership – and ‘the Possibility of Failure’
  7. Plastic Events, Spectral Events
  8. Re/pro/ductions
  9. Pas de course. Notes piquées sur le séminaire « GREPH. Le concept de l’idéologie chez les idéologues français » (1974-1975)
  10. Tele-Mournings: Actuvirtual Events and Shared Responsibilities
  11. Texts on Violence: Of the Impure (Contaminations, Equivocations, Trembling)
  12. Resisting the Present: Biopower in the Face of the Event (Some Notes on Monstrous Lives)
  13. What is a body? Deconstructing Western conceptions of the body
  14. corps à: body/ies in deconstruction
  15. The Truth That Hurts, or the Corps à Corps of Tongues: An interview with Jacques Derrida
  16. Étienne Balibar, Equaliberty: Political Essays, translated by James IngramÉtienne Balibar, Violence and Civility: On the Limits of Political Philosophy, translated by G.M. Goshgarian
  17. Resisting legitimacy: Weber, Derrida, and the fallibility of sovereign power
  18. We Have Tasted the Powers of the Age to Come: Thinking the Force of the Event—from Dynamis to Puissance
  19. Resisting legitimacy: Weber, Derrida, and the fallibility of sovereign power