All Stories

  1. Understanding how pre-service teachers design numeracy-rich activities in non-mathematic curriculum areas
  2. Improving Teaching and Learning in Higher Education through Machine Learning: Proof of Concept’ of AI’s Ability to Assess the Use of Key Microskills
  3. Making sense of student feedback and engagement using artificial intelligence
  4. Bridging the digital divide: gender and learning mode impacts on pre-service teacher digital competence and online engagement
  5. Pre-service teachers and ChatGPT in multistrategy problem-solving: Implications for mathematics teaching in primary schools
  6. Students' digital technology attitude, literacy and self-efficacy and their effect on online learning engagement
  7. First-year Preservice Teachers’ Understanding of Digital Technologies and Their Digital Literacy, Efficacy, Attitude, and Online Learning Engagement: Implication for Course Design
  8. Describing a teacher’s pedagogical mathematical knowledge in STEM teaching
  9. Examining students’ behavioural engagement in lecture videos with and without embedded quizzes in an online course.
  10. Exploring the Utilisation of NAPLAN Test Results: A Systematic Literature Review
  11. Using interactive technologies to enhance student engagement in higher education online learning
  12. The influence of students’ prior numeracy achievement on later numeracy achievement as a function of gender and year levels
  13. Characteristics of engaging teaching videos in higher education: a systematic literature review of teachers’ behaviours and movements in video conferencing
  14. Designing an artificial intelligence tool to understand student engagement based on teacher's behaviours and movements in video conferencing
  15. Teachers’ Knowledge Framework for Designing Numeracy Rich Tasks across Non-Mathematics Curriculum Areas
  16. Predictors of children’s achievement: analysis of the Australian National Numeracy Assessment Program
  17. Video-Enhanced Feedback
  18. Teacher Education and Professional Development for Technology Integrated Teaching
  19. Designing a professional development program for mathematics teachers for effective use of technology in teaching
  20. Using design-based research to bring partnership between researchers and practitioners
  21. Correction to: Teaching interrelated concepts of fraction for understanding and teacher’s pedagogical content knowledge
  22. Teaching interrelated concepts of fraction for understanding and teacher’s pedagogical content knowledge
  23. Teacher Education and Professional Development for Technology Integrated Teaching
  24. Video-Enhanced Feedback
  25. Teenagers Perceptions of Teachers: A Developmental Argument
  26. Design Based Research in Doctoral Studies: Adding a New Dimension to Doctoral Research
  27. Towards “Operating Within” the Field: Doctoral Students’ Views of Supervisors’ Discipline Expertise
  28. Adapting technological pedagogical content knowledge framework to teach mathematics
  29. Linking Research and Practice
  30. Exploring how Adults who Work with Young Children Conceptualise Sustainability and Describe their Practice Initiatives
  31. Professionalizing in- service teachers’ focus on technological pedagogical and content knowledge
  32. The impact of professional development on early childhood educators’ confidence, understanding and knowledge of education for sustainability