All Stories

  1. An Approach to the Key Soil Physical Properties for Assessing Soil Compaction Due to Livestock Grazing in Mediterranean Mountain Areas
  2. Reconstruction of historical soil surfaces and estimation of soil erosion rates with mound measurements and UAV photogrammetry in Mediterranean olive groves
  3. Buenas prácticas agrícolas para el control de la erosión hídrica del suelo en los cultivos anuales de las montañas de Guatemala y Nicaragua
  4. El control de la erosión hidríca para una agricultura sostenible en cultivos anuales de centroamérica
  5. Height Estimation of Soil Erosion in Olive Groves Using a Time-of-Flight Sensor
  6. Effectiveness of conservation agriculture (tillage vs. vegetal soil cover) to reduce water erosion in maize cultivation (Zea mays L.): An experimental study in the sub-humid uplands of Guatemala
  7. Evolución del ajuste entre patrón de localización del olivar y capacidad agrológica en la montaña mediterránea andaluza (1956-2007). El caso de Sierra de las Nieves: respuestas locales a factores globales
  8. Impact of Weed Control by Hand Tools on Soil Erosion under a No-Tillage System Cultivation
  9. Using Vegetation Indices and a UAV Imaging Platform to Quantify the Density of Vegetation Ground Cover in Olive Groves (Olea Europaea L.) in Southern Spain
  10. Erosion Control in the Sustainable Cultivation of Maize (Zea mays L.) and Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) at Two Stages of the Agricultural Cycle in Southern Guatemala
  11. An erosion control and soil conservation method for agrarian uses based on determining the erosion threshold
  12. Control erosion in northern Nicaragua mountains
  13. Soil erosion and erosion thresholds in an agroforestry system of coffee (Coffea arabica) and mixed shade trees (Inga spp and Musa spp) in Northern Nicaragua
  14. Influence of topographic and edaphic factors on vulnerability to soil degradation due to cattle grazing in humid tropical mountains in northern Honduras
  15. The evaluation of the soil vulnerability to degradation for grazing use in the mountain areas. Methodological analysis
  16. El desarrollo rural y la transformación del patrimonio arquitectónico tradicional. El caso de la aldea indígena Plan Grande Quehueche (Izabal, Guatemala)
  17. El ecoturismo como estrategia de desarrollo rural en América Latina : caso de la aldea indígena Plan Grande Quehueche (Izabal, Guatemala)
  18. Variaciones estacionales en la gestión del pastoreo en una explotación caprina lechera de un área de montaña mediterránea