All Stories

  1. Surgical Anatomy of the Liver—Significance in Ovarian Cancer Surgery
  2. Surgical and Anatomical Basics of Pelvic Debulking Surgery for Advanced Ovarian Cancer - the "Hudson Procedure" as a Cornerstone of Complete Cytoreduction
  3. Editorial: Changing backgrounds and groundbreaking changes: Gynecological surgery in the third decade of the 21st century
  4. Vaginal Microbiome in Reproductive Medicine
  5. The Translational Role of miRNA in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: From Bench to Bedside—A Systematic Literature Review
  6. Long-term quality of life assessment after excisional treatment for cervical dysplasia
  7. Abnormal Uterine Bleeding in Perimenopausal Women: The Role of Hysteroscopy and Its Impact on Quality of Life and Sexuality
  8. Hereditary Gynecologic Cancer Syndromes – A Narrative Review
  9. Biomarker-Based Models for Preoperative Assessment of Adnexal Mass: A Multicenter Validation Study
  10. Pelvic Sidewall Anatomy in Gynecologic Oncology—New Insights into a Potential Avascular Space
  11. Paraaortic Lymphadenectomy in Gynecologic Oncology—Significance of Vessels Variations
  12. Association of Macronutrients Composition, Physical Activity and Serum Androgen Concentration in Young Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
  13. New Aspects of Sarcomas of Uterine Corpus—A Brief Narrative Review
  14. Complications of Gynecological Laparoscopy
  15. Complications in laparoscopic and robotic-assisted surgery: definitions, classifications, incidence and risk factors – an up-to-date review
  16. Gene Expression of Kallikreins in Breast Cancer Cell Lines
  17. Renal calyceal rupture following ureteral injury after total laparoscopic hysterectomy
  18. Unifying local hemostasis and adhesion prevention during gynaecologic laparoscopies: experiences with a novel, plant-based agent
  19. Pregnancy-Preserving Laparoscopic Treatment of Acute Hemoperitoneum Following Lutein Cyst Rupture in Early Gestation
  20. Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy – Cervical Dysplasia (FACIT-CD) questionnaire for Serbian women
  21. Delivery through cervicovaginal fistula – literature review and case report
  22. Improvement of Perioperative Outcomes in Major Gynecological and Gynecologic–Oncological Surgery with Hemostatic Gelatin–Thrombin Matrix
  23. Predictors of postoperative hemoglobin drop after laparoscopic myomectomy
  24. Uterine rupture after balloon inflation of the intrauterine Foley catheter during laparoscopic chromopertubation
  25. Usefulness of the preoperative platelet count in the diagnosis of adnexal tumors
  26. Association of HER2 codon 655 polymorphism with ovarian cancer
  27. Simple laboratory score improves the preoperative diagnosis of adnexal mass
  28. The 811 C/T polymorphism in the 3′ untranslated region of the selenoprotein 15-kDa (Sep15) gene and breast cancer in Caucasian women
  29. Hormonal and psychosocial correlates of psychological well-being and negative affectivity in young gynecological-endocrinological patients
  30. Primary Omental Pregnancy With Secondary Implantation Into Posterior Cul-de-sac: Laparoscopic Treatment Using Hemostatic Matrix
  31. Psychological well-being of gynecologic and obstetric patients: a validation of the 12-item Well-Being Questionnaire (W-BQ12)
  32. Hemostatic gelatine–thrombin matrix (Floseal®) facilitates hemostasis and organ preservation in laparoscopic treatment of tubal pregnancy
  33. Validation of the Polish version of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale in three populations of gynecologic patients
  34. Hymenal anomalies in twins—review of the literature and case report
  35. Association of myeloperoxidase with ovarian cancer
  36. Genetic variations of interleukin-1 and -6 genes and risk of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia
  37. Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Gene Polymorphisms and Risk of Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia
  38. Empfindungen der Patientin während gynäkologischer Untersuchung und Brustpalpation: Bestandaufnahme und Beeinflussung durch psychosoziale Faktoren
  39. Körpersprachliche Signale bei gynäkologischer Untersuchung. Korrelation mit Angst, Depression und Erleben der Untersuchung
  40. Ile/Val-655-Polymorphismus des HER-2-Gens als möglicher Riskofaktor für das Brust- und Ovarialkarzinom
  41. Clinical Relevance of Dominant-Negative p73 Isoforms for Responsiveness to Chemotherapy and Survival in Ovarian Cancer: Evidence for a Crucial p53-p73 Cross-talk In vivo
  42. The use of a panel of monoclonal antibodies to enrich circulating breast cancer cells facilitates their detection
  43. Kulturkunde oder Sprachunterricht? Zu ausgewählten Grundlagen eines neuen Konzepts