All Stories

  1. Estimating the evaporation rate from high mountain tropical lakes upon the use of natural isotopes
  2. Bathymetric modelling of tropical lakes.
  3. Selection of an adequate functional diversity index for stream assessment based on biological traits of macroinvertebrates
  4. Evaluating the Ecological Status of Fluvial Networks of Tropical Andean Catchments of Ecuador
  5. Occurrence Prediction of Riffle Beetles (Coleoptera: Elmidae) in a Tropical Andean Basin of Ecuador Using Species Distribution Models
  6. Testing a non-commercial powerful code to model a complex drainage catchment
  7. Water chemistry variation in tropical high‐mountain lakes on old volcanic bedrocks
  8. A Simple Approach to Account for Stage–Discharge Uncertainty in Hydrological Modelling
  9. Retrieval of Simultaneous Water‐Level Changes in Small Lakes With InSAR
  10. Implications of macroinvertebrate taxonomic resolution for freshwater assessments using functional traits: The Paute River Basin (Ecuador) case
  11. Habitat Suitability Curves for Freshwater Macroinvertebrates of Tropical Andean Rivers
  12. Community structure and functional feeding groups of macroinvertebrates in pristine Andean streams under different vegetation cover
  13. Multivariate-statistics based selection of a benthic macroinvertebrate index for assessing water quality in the Paute River basin (Ecuador)
  14. Improving Water Management Education across the Latin America and Caribbean Region
  15. Climate change assessment of growth patterns of a fascinating Andean tree: Polylepis reticulata
  16. Hydrological influences on aquatic communities at the mesohabitat scale in high Andean streams of southern Ecuador
  17. Water quality assessment with emphasis in parameter optimisation using pattern recognition methods and genetic algorithm
  18. WEAP21 based modelling under climate change considerations for a semi-arid region in southern-central Chile
  19. Geomorphology of lakes belonging to the Cajas National Park, Ecuador
  20. Secondary production of caddisflies reflects environmental heterogeneity among tropical Andean streams
  21. Challenges for a sustainable management of Ecuadorian water resources
  22. Prediction limits of a catchment hydrological model using different estimates of ETp
  23. Modeling the unsaturated flow associated with a border irrigation event on an alfalfa plot
  24. Parameter sensitivity analysis and prediction error in field-scale NO3-N modelling
  25. Modeling of Hydrological Processes Using Unstructured and Irregular Grids: 2D Groundwater Application
  26. Rainfall-runoff modelling of a rocky catchment with limited data availability: Defining prediction limits
  27. GLUE Based Assessment on the Overall Predictions of a MIKE SHE Application
  28. Using soft data to improve hydrological model predictions congruence
  29. Assessment of the effects of DEM gridding on the predictions of basin runoff using MIKE SHE and a modelling resolution of 600m
  30. Potential Evapotranspiration for the Distributed Modeling of Belgian Catchments
  31. Effect of potential evapotranspiration estimates on effective parameters and performance of the MIKE SHE-code applied to a medium-size catchment
  32. Assessing the grid size implications on distributed hydrological modelling with the MIKE SHE model
  33. Assessment of the performance of a distributed code in function of the ETp estimates
  34. Application of a distributed physically-based hydrological model to a medium size catchment