All Stories

  1. Gardening as a responsible leisure activity: The geography of Central European food self-provisioning
  2. In the garden with Lefebvre and Foucault: The cultivation of taste in spaces of food
  3. Growing the Beautiful Anthropocene: Ethics of Care in East European Food Gardens
  4. Kde sa chodí voliť? Faktory ovplyvňujúce geografické rozloženie volebnej účasti v slovenských parlamentných voľbách
  5. Rethinking resilience: home gardening, food sharing and everyday resistance
  6. What is the contribution of food self-provisioning towards environmental sustainability? A case study of active gardeners
  7. The perception of risk in the flood-prone area: a case study from the Czech municipality
  8. Rendering the Actually Existing Sharing Economy Visible: Home-Grown Food and the Pleasure of Sharing
  9. Towards Regional Government in Central Europe: Territorial Restructuring of Postcommunist Regimes
  10. Moravian and Silesian nationalities: A new phenomenon in the ethnic map of the Czech Lands?