All Stories

  1. The credibility of dietary advice formulated by ChatGPT: Robo-diets for people with food allergies
  2. Unethical Investments: The Baseline Propensity to Invest and the Susceptibility to Moral Decay
  3. Hard to digest investments: people oppose investment in both conventional and cultured meat producers
  4. Will the use of machines to identify negative activist investments backfire? Experimental evidence
  5. Parenting Daughters Does Not Increase Monetary Prosocial Behavior
  6. Bilinguals are less susceptible to the bias blind spot in their second language
  7. Deontological and Utilitarian Responses to Sacrificial Dilemmas Predict Disapproval of Sin Stocks
  8. How having daughters affects sin investments
  9. Bilinguals are less susceptible to the bias blind spot in their second language
  10. Treatment choice in the presence of conflicting information: The role of physician likeability in the choice of non‐proven therapies against conventional treatment
  11. Lying (non-)parents: Being a parent does not reduce dishonesty
  12. Parenting daughters does not increase monetary prosocial behavior: evidence from the Dictator game
  13. Women oppose sin stocks more than men do
  14. The effect of gender and parenting daughters on judgments of morally controversial companies
  15. Thinking in a foreign language distorts allocation of cognitive effort: Evidence from reasoning
  16. Deontological and Utilitarian Responses to Sacrificial Dilemmas Predict Disapproval of Sin Stocks
  17. Robo-investment aversion
  18. The effect of imperfect memory recall on risk preferences
  19. Women oppose sin stocks more than men do
  20. Robo-investment aversion
  21. Neuroticism and home bias
  22. Thinking in a foreign language distorts allocation of cognitive effort: Evidence from reasoning.
  23. Openness to experience and the openness of stock portfolios
  24. The dissolution of temporal distance increases risk-taking: experimental evidence
  25. Reading Dilemmas in a Foreign Language Reduces Both Deontological and Utilitarian Response Tendencies.
  26. Personality distance and economic activity
  27. Social Desirability Bias and Earnings Management around the World
  28. Cross-country differences in personality and the foreign bias in international equity portfolios