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  1. Tomato geranylgeranyl diphosphate synthase isoform 1 is involved in the stress‐triggered production of diterpenes in leaves and strigolactones in roots
  2. Signaling mechanisms and agricultural applications of (Z)-3-Hexenyl Butyrate-mediated stomatal closure
  3. Metabolic crosstalk between hydroxylated monoterpenes and salicylic acid in tomato defence response againstPseudomonas syringaepvtomato
  4. Tomato geranylgeranyl diphosphate synthase isoform 1 specifically interacts with phytoene synthase isoform 3 to produce strigolactones in tomato roots
  5. SlS5H silencing reveals specific pathogen-triggered salicylic acid metabolism in tomato
  6. Untargeted Metabolomics of Rind Essential Oils Allowed to Differentiate Two Closely Related Clementine Varieties
  7. Symptom Severity, Infection Progression and Plant Responses in Solanum Plants Caused by Three Pospiviroids Vary with the Inoculation Procedure
  8. Signaling in the Tomato Immunity against Fusarium oxysporum
  9. (Z)-3-Hexenyl Butyrate Induces Stomata Closure and Ripening in Vitis vinifera
  10. Ethylene is Involved in Symptom Development and Ribosomal Stress of Tomato Plants upon Citrus Exocortis Viroid Infection
  11. Insights on Salt Tolerance of Two Endemic Limonium Species from Spain
  12. Qualitative and Quantitative Differences in Osmolytes Accumulation and Antioxidant Activities in Response to Water Deficit in Four Mediterranean Limonium Species
  13. Tomato glycosyltransferase Twi1 plays a role in flavonoid glycosylation and defence against virus
  14. Conservation of Thermospermine Synthase Activity in Vascular and Non-vascular Plants
  15. Effect of Benzothiadiazole on the Metabolome of Tomato Plants Infected by Citrus Exocortis Viroid
  16. Volatile Compounds in Citrus Essential Oils: A Comprehensive Review
  17. Wild edible fool’s watercress, a potential crop with high nutraceutical properties
  18. A New Role For Green Leaf Volatile Esters in Tomato Stomatal Defense Against Pseudomonas syringe pv. tomato
  19. Distinctive physiological and molecular responses to cold stress among cold-tolerant and cold-sensitive Pinus halepensis seed sources
  20. Fruit flesh volatile and carotenoid profile analysis within the Cucumis melo L. species reveals unexploited variability for future genetic breeding
  21. Arabidopsism6A demethylase activity modulates viral infection of a plant virus and the m6A abundance in its genomic RNAs
  22. Metabolic engineering to simultaneously activate anthocyanin and proanthocyanidin biosynthetic pathways in Nicotiana spp.
  23. Tetrahydroisoquinolines functionalized with carbamates as selective ligands of D2 dopamine receptor
  24. Unraveling Salt Tolerance Mechanisms in Halophytes: A Comparative Study on Four Mediterranean Limonium Species with Different Geographic Distribution Patterns
  25. Drought Tolerance in Pinus halepensis Seed Sources As Identified by Distinctive Physiological and Molecular Markers
  26. A Non-targeted Metabolomics Approach Unravels the VOCs Associated with the Tomato Immune Response against Pseudomonas syringae
  27. Salicylic Acid Is Involved in the Basal Resistance of Tomato Plants to Citrus Exocortis Viroid and Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus
  28. Effects of Salt Stress on Three Ecologically Distinct Plantago Species
  29. Bacillus subtilis IAB/BS03 as a potential biological control agent
  30. Native-Invasive Plants vs. Halophytes in Mediterranean Salt Marshes: Stress Tolerance Mechanisms in Two Related Species
  31. Stress tolerance mechanisms in Juncus: responses to salinity and drought in three Juncus species adapted to different natural environments
  32. Metabolomic Profiling of Plant Tissues
  33. Transgenic Tomato Plants Overexpressing Tyramine N-Hydroxycinnamoyltransferase Exhibit Elevated Hydroxycinnamic Acid Amide Levels and Enhanced Resistance to Pseudomonas syringae
  34. Salicylic acid and gentisic acid induce RNA silencing-related genes and plant resistance to RNA pathogens
  35. Diversity and Relationships in Key Traits for Functional and Apparent Quality in a Collection of Eggplant: Fruit Phenolics Content, Antioxidant Activity, Polyphenol Oxidase Activity, and Browning
  36. Two copper complexes from two novel naphthalene-sulfonyl-triazole ligands: Different nuclearity and different DNA binding and cleavage capabilities
  37. A noncoding plant pathogen provokes both transcriptional and posttranscriptional alterations in tomato
  38. Metabolic fingerprinting of Tomato Mosaic Virus infected Solanum lycopersicum
  39. The characterization of transgenic tomato overexpressing gibberellin 20-oxidase reveals induction of parthenocarpic fruit growth, higher yield, and alteration of the gibberellin biosynthetic pathway
  40. Identification of defence metabolites in tomato plants infected by the bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas syringae
  41. Metabolic Characterization ofWithania somniferafrom Different Regions of India Using NMR Spectroscopy
  42. Molecular cloning and characterization of a novel tomato xylosyltransferase specific for gentisic acid
  43. Metabolic response of tomato leaves upon different plant–pathogen interactions
  44. Terretonins E and F, Inhibitors of the Mitochondrial Respiratory Chain from the Marine-Derived Fungus Aspergillus insuetus
  45. Cytosporin-related compounds from the marine-derived fungus Eutypella scoparia
  46. Induction of cinnamate 4-hydroxylase and phenylpropanoids in virus-infected cucumber and melon plants
  47. Induction of p-Coumaroyldopamine and Feruloyldopamine, Two Novel Metabolites, in Tomato by the Bacterial Pathogen Pseudomonas syringae
  48. Isolation and Structural Elucidation of Eight New Related Analogues of the Mycotoxin (−)-Botryodiplodin from Penicillium coalescens
  49. Bioprospecting for antagonistic Penicillium strains as a resource of new antitumor compounds
  50. Production and fungitoxic activity of Sch 642305, a secondary metabolite of Penicillium canescens
  51. New bioactive hydrogenated linderazulene-derivatives from the gorgonian Echinogorgia complexa
  52. Studies on puupehenone-metabolites of a Dysidea sp.: structure and biological activity
  53. New Caulerpenyne-derived Metabolites of an Elysia Sacoglossan from the South Indian Coast
  54. Insecticidal Activity of Paraherquamides, Including Paraherquamide H and Paraherquamide I, Two New Alkaloids Isolated from Penicillium cluniae
  55. Induction of gentisic acid 5-O-β-d-xylopyranoside in tomato and cucumber plants infected by different pathogens
  56. Novel Inhibitors of the Mitochondrial Respiratory Chain:  Oximes and Pyrrolines Isolated fromPenicillium brevicompactumand Synthetic Analogues
  57. New C21 Δ20 pregnanes, inhibitors of mitochondrial respiratory chain, from Indopacific octocoral Carijoa sp.
  58. Nitric oxide promotes strong cytotoxicity of phenolic compounds against Escherichia coli: the influence of antioxidant defenses
  59. Interactions of metal ions with two quinolone antimicrobial agents (cinoxacin and ciprofloxacin)