All Stories

  1. Contribution to the investment evaluation in terms of the forest fires prevention using the cost-benefit analysis method
  2. Contribution to the evaluation of the environmental risks induced by the worn-water discharges of an Algerian tannery
  3. The contribution of the BQA method to the analysis of the work procedures violation
  4. Contribution of cost-benefit analysis to optimization of eco-design plants
  5. The contribution of the ERA to the selection of the environmental indicators and to the allowance of the environmental objectives
  6. A Dynamic Model Proposal for the Analysis of Work Procedures
  7. Contribution of stakeholder theory in the management of environmental quality of Algerian firms
  8. Contribution of Risk Perception for the Analysis of Non-Compliance to Work Procedures
  9. Food Risk Management and Sustainable Development
  10. The Monte Carlo Method for the study of an electrical discharge
  11. Environmental knowledge memory: Contribution of the DIK model
  12. Proposal for a new allocation method of environmental goals applied to an Algerian cement factory
  13. A Quality Steps for a Sustainable Development: Case of Food Processing
  14. Monte Carlo Simulation for an Electrical Discharge in O2
  15. Maîtrise des impacts environnementaux par la modélisation du système physique
  16. Environmental impacts typology: a methodological proposal
  17. Capitalisation of environmental knowledge: an ideal tally for the control of significant environmental impacts
  18. Etude de sûreté de fonctionnement d’un système électrique simple
  19. Modèle DIC (Données – Informations – Connaissances) Outil support pour le développement des mémoires projets
  20. Modèle DIC (Données ? Informations ? Connaissances) Outil support pour le développement des mémoires projets
  21. Implementing the ISO 14001 certification
  22. Vers une combinaison ACV / AMDEC-E en vue de l'analyse environnementale d'une cimenterie algérienne
  23. Pollution risk management
  24. Eco‐conception in the industrial firms: methodological proposition
  25. Process of technical document quality assessment