All Stories

  1. Development of innovative dye sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) based on co-sensitization of natural microbial pigments
  2. Process intensification of ultrasound assisted deep eutectic solvent-based extraction of astaxanthin-rich extract derived from the non-conventional bacterium Paracoccus carotinifaciens
  3. Ketocarotenoids adonirubin and adonixanthin: Properties, health benefits, current technologies, and emerging challenges
  4. Antimicrobials from endophytes as novel therapeutics to counter drug-resistant pathogens
  5. Hidden Treasure: Halophilic Fungi as a Repository of Bioactive Lead Compounds
  6. Plant-Microbe Interactions under the Extreme Habitats and Their Potential Applications
  7. Fungal-Bacterial Combinations in Plant Health under Stress: Physiological and Biochemical Characteristics of the Filamentous Fungus Serendipita indica and the Actinobacterium Zhihengliuella sp. ISTPL4 under In Vitro Arsenic Stress
  8. Microbial Cell Factories: Biodiversity, Pathway Construction, Robustness, and Industrial Applicability
  9. In silico studies on Epicoccum spp. Secondary metabolites as potential drugs for mucormycosis
  10. OSMAC Method to Assess Impact of Culture Parameters on Metabolomic Diversity and Biological Activity of Marine-Derived Actinobacteria
  11. Agitation role (Dissolved Oxygen) in production of laccase from newly identified Ganoderma multistipitatum sp. nov. and its effect on mycelium morphology
  12. Microbial pigments: Eco-friendly extraction techniques and some industrial applications
  13. OSMAC Method to Assess Impact of Culture Parameters on Metabolomic Diversity and Biological Activity of Marine-Derived Actinobacteria
  14. The Enigmatic World of Fungal Melanin: A Comprehensive Review
  15. Astaxanthin production using Paracoccus carotinifaciens: a way forward?
  16. Rhodoxanthin: The new hit of the natural carotenoids market?
  17. Microbial astaxanthin: from bioprocessing to the market recognition
  18. Focus and Insights into the Synthetic Biology-Mediated Chassis of Economically Important Fungi for the Production of High-Value Metabolites
  19. Polybrominated diphenyl ethers isolated from the marine sponge Lendenfeldia chondrodes collected in Mayotte
  20. Fungal Pigments: Carotenoids, Riboflavin, and Polyketides with Diverse Applications
  21. Antioxidant and Anti-Breast Cancer Properties of Hyaluronidase from Marine Staphylococcus aureus (CASMTK1)
  22. Ganoderma multistipitatum sp. nov. from Chir pine tree (Pinus roxburghii Sarg.) in Pakistan
  23. Blue Microbiology—Aquatic Microbial Resources for Sustainable Life on Earth
  24. Involvement of Versatile Bacteria Belonging to the Genus Arthrobacter in Milk and Dairy Products
  25. Prioritization of Microorganisms Isolated from the Indian Ocean Sponge Scopalina hapalia Based on Metabolomic Diversity and Biological Activity for the Discovery of Natural Products
  26. Bacterial Pigments and Their Multifaceted Roles in Contemporary Biotechnology and Pharmacological Applications
  27. Production of Pigments under Submerged Culture through Repeated Batch Fermentation of Immobilized Talaromyces atroroseus GH2
  28. A review of natural astaxanthin production in a circular bioeconomy context using Paracoccus carotinifaciens
  29. Scale-Up of Pigment Production by the Marine-Derived Filamentous Fungus, Talaromyces albobiverticillius 30548, from Shake Flask to Stirred Bioreactor
  30. Isolation of Thermophilic Bacteria and Investigation of Their Microplastic Degradation Ability Using Polyethylene Polymers
  31. New Research Trends for Textiles
  32. Impact of Water Supply Reduction and Cold Storage on Phenolic Compounds from Mango (Mangifera indica L. cv. Cogshall) Pulp and Peel
  33. Editorial: Insights in food microbiology: 2021
  34. Roles of Medicinal Mushrooms as Natural Food Dyes and Dye-Sensitised Solar Cells (DSSC): Synergy of Zero Hunger and Affordable Energy for Sustainable Development
  35. Fungal Pigments: More Insights from Colorful Fungi
  36. Natural Substrates and Culture Conditions to Produce Pigments from Potential Microbes in Submerged Fermentation
  37. Antimicrobial Efficacy of Green Synthesized Nanosilver with Entrapped Cinnamaldehyde against Multi-Drug-Resistant Enteroaggregative Escherichia coli in Galleria mellonella
  38. Multigene Phylogeny, Beauvericin Production and Bioactive Potential of Fusarium Strains Isolated in India
  39. Rhizosphere Signaling: Insights into Plant–Rhizomicrobiome Interactions for Sustainable Agronomy
  40. Structure and biosynthesis of carotenoids produced by a novel Planococcus sp. isolated from South Africa
  41. Antioxidant and Anti-Colorectal Cancer Properties in Methanolic Extract of Mangrove-Derived Schizochytrium sp.
  42. Antibacterial metabolites from an unexplored strain of marine fungi Emericellopsis minima and determination of probable mode of action against Staphylococcus aureus and methicillin‐resistant...
  43. New Metabolites from the Marine Sponge Scopalina hapalia Collected in Mayotte Lagoon
  44. Microbial calcite induction: a magic that fortifies and heals concrete
  45. Fungal Endophytes: A Potential Source of Antibacterial Compounds
  46. Antioxidant, Antibacterial and Dyeing Potential of Crude Pigment Extract of Gonatophragmium triuniae and Its Chemical Characterization
  47. Microbial Secondary Metabolism and Biotechnology
  48. Marine Algal Colorants for the Food Industry
  49. Back to nature, microbial production of pigments and colorants for food use
  50. Complete Genome Analysis of Undecylprodigiosin Pigment Biosynthesizing Marine Streptomyces Species Displaying Potential Bioactive Applications
  51. Correction to: Microbial pigments as an alternative to synthetic dyes and food additives: a brief review of recent studies
  52. Thraustochytrids of Mangrove Habitats from Andaman Islands: Species Diversity, PUFA Profiles and Biotechnological Potential
  53. Editorial: Recent Advances in Microbial Biotechnology for the Food Industry
  54. Advances and trends in biotechnological production of natural astaxanthin by Phaffia rhodozyma yeast
  55. Safety Evaluation of Fungal Pigments for Food Applications
  56. Microbial pigments as an alternative to synthetic dyes and food additives: a brief review of recent studies
  57. Identification of Red Pigments Produced by Cheese-Ripening Bacterial Strains of Glutamicibacter arilaitensis Using HPLC
  58. Isolation and Optimization of Culture Conditions of Thraustochytrium kinnei for Biomass Production, Nanoparticle Synthesis, Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activities
  59. Marine Natural Products from Tunicates and Their Associated Microbes
  60. Extraction and Application of Pigment from Serratia marcescens SB08, an Insect Enteric Gut Bacterium, for Textile Dyeing
  61. OVAT Analysis and Response Surface Methodology Based on Nutrient Sources for Optimization of Pigment Production in The Marine-Derived Fungus Talaromyces albobiverticillius 30548 Submerged Fermentation
  62. Editorial: Sustainable Production of Bioactive Pigments
  63. Fungi and Fungal Metabolites for the Improvement of Human and Animal Nutrition and Health
  64. Ecological and Biotechnological Aspects of Pigmented Microbes: A Way Forward in Development of Food and Pharmaceutical Grade Pigments
  65. An Overview on Industrial and Medical Applications of Bio-Pigments Synthesized by Marine Bacteria
  66. Aqueous Two-Phase System Extraction of Polyketide-Based Fungal Pigments Using Ammonium- or Imidazolium-Based Ionic Liquids for Detection Purpose: A Case Study
  67. Alternative Extraction and Characterization of Nitrogen-Containing Azaphilone Red Pigments and Ergosterol Derivatives from the Marine-Derived Fungal Talaromyces sp. 30570 Strain with Industrial Relevance
  68. Marine Bacteria Is the Cell Factory to Produce Bioactive Pigments: A Prospective Pigment Source in the Ocean
  69. Biotechnological approaches for the production of natural colorants by Talaromyces/Penicillium: A review
  70. Characterization of Talaromyces purpureogenus strain F extrolites and development of production medium for extracellular pigments enriched with antioxidant properties
  71. Production of Bio-Based Pigments from Food Processing Industry By-Products (Apple, Pomegranate, Black Carrot, Red Beet Pulps) Using Aspergillus carbonarius
  72. Medium design from corncob hydrolyzate for pigment production by Talaromyces atroroseus GH2: Kinetics modeling and pigments characterization
  73. Microorganisms Associated with the Marine Sponge Scopalina hapalia: A Reservoir of Bioactive Molecules to Slow Down the Aging Process
  74. Bacterial Pigments: Sustainable Compounds With Market Potential for Pharma and Food Industry
  75. Fungal Pigments: Potential Coloring Compounds for Wide Ranging Applications in Textile Dyeing
  76. Statistical Optimization of the Physico-Chemical Parameters for Pigment Production in Submerged Fermentation of Talaromyces albobiverticillius 30548
  77. Bamboo Plantations for Phytoremediation of Pig Slurry: Plant Response and Nutrient Uptake
  78. Applications of Prodigiosin Extracted from Marine Red Pigmented Bacteria Zooshikella sp. and Actinomycete Streptomyces sp.
  79. Editorial: Microbial Biotechnology Providing Bio-based Components for the Food Industry
  80. Fungal Pigments and Their Prospects in Different Industries
  81. Putative metabolic pathway for the bioproduction of bikaverin and intermediates thereof in the wild Fusarium oxysporum LCP531 strain
  82. Research, Development, and Production of Microalgal and Microbial Biocolorants
  83. Multifaceted Applications of Microbial Pigments: Current Knowledge, Challenges and Future Directions for Public Health Implications
  84. Chemical characterization of unconventional palm oils from Hyophorbe indica and two other endemic Arecaceae species from Reunion Island
  85. Carotenoids from the ripening bacterium Brevibacterium linens impart color to the rind of the French cheese, Fourme de Montbrison (PDO)
  86. Could the reliability of classical descriptors of fruit quality be influenced by irrigation and cold storage? The case of mango, a climacteric fruit
  87. Salinity and Temperature Influence Growth and Pigment Production in the Marine-Derived Fungal Strain Talaromyces albobiverticillius 30548
  88. Isolation of two novel purple naphthoquinone pigments concomitant with the bioactive red bikaverin and derivates thereof produced by Fusarium oxysporum
  89. The Influence of pH, NaCl, and the Deacidifying Yeasts Debaryomyces hansenii and Kluyveromyces marxianus on the Production of Pigments by the Cheese-Ripening Bacteria Arthrobacter arilaitensis
  90. Production of pigments from the tropical marine-derived fungi Talaromyces albobiverticillius : New resources for natural red-colored metabolites
  91. Red colourants from filamentous fungi: Are they ready for the food industry?
  92. Antioxidant and enzymatic responses to oxidative stress induced by cold temperature storage and ripening in mango ( Mangifera indica L. cv. ‘Cogshall’) in relation to carotenoid content
  93. Current perspective of yellowish-orange pigments from microorganisms- a review
  94. Partial characterization of the pigments produced by the marine-derived fungus Talaromyces albobiverticillius 30548. Towards a new fungal red colorant for the food industry
  95. Microbial Pigments From Bacteria, Yeasts, Fungi, and Microalgae for the Food and Feed Industries
  96. Biogeography at the limits of life: Do extremophilic microbial communities show biogeographical regionalization?
  97. Current Carotenoid Production Using Microorganisms
  98. Fungal Pigments: Deep into the Rainbow of Colorful Fungi
  99. Biodiversity of Pigmented Fungi Isolated from Marine Environment in La Réunion Island, Indian Ocean: New Resources for Colored Metabolites
  100. Production and New Extraction Method of Polyketide Red Pigments Produced by Ascomycetous Fungi from Terrestrial and Marine Habitats
  101. Pigments, Microbial ☆
  102. Pigments and Colorants from Filamentous Fungi
  103. Tropical microalgae isolated on Reunion island (France, Indian Ocean) as sources of antifouling molecules: The BIOPAINTROP project
  104. Characterisation of the C50 carotenoids produced by strains of the cheese-ripening bacterium Arthrobacter arilaitensis
  105. Anthraquinones and Derivatives from Marine-Derived Fungi: Structural Diversity and Selected Biological Activities
  106. Current and Potential Natural Pigments From Microorganisms (Bacteria, Yeasts, Fungi, Microalgae)
  107. Antioxidant and enzymatic responses to oxidative stress induced by pre-harvest water supply reduction and ripening on mango (Mangifera indica L. cv. ‘Cogshall’) in relation to carotenoid content
  108. Color Measurements of Muscle-Based and Dairy Foods
  109. Novel π2s+π2aElectrocyclization of Triethylenic-Malonic Acids Exemplified for a One-Pot Synthesis of New γ-Dilactonescis-Fused with a Cyclopentene
  110. Two-step Synthesis of New γ-Lactones via Cyclization of 7-Chloro-2-(methoxycarbonyl)-4-6-dimethylocta-(2E,4E,6E)-trienoic acid
  111. First isolation ofBrevibacteriumsp. pigments in the rind of an industrial red-smear-ripened soft cheese
  112. Pigments and Colorants from Filamentous Fungi
  113. ChemInform Abstract: Current Perspective on Bacterial Pigments: Emerging Sustainable Compounds with Coloring and Biological Properties for the Industry - An Incisive Evaluation
  114. Anthraquinones, the Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde of the food pigment family
  115. Arthrobacter arilaitensis strains isolated from ripened cheeses: Characterization of their pigmentation using spectrocolorimetry
  116. Bacteria belonging to the extremely versatile genus Arthrobacter as novel source of natural pigments with extended hue range
  117. Production of carotenoids byArthrobacter arilaitensisstrains isolated from smear-ripened cheeses
  118. Current perspective on bacterial pigments: emerging sustainable compounds with coloring and biological properties for the industry – an incisive evaluation
  119. Actual evapotranspiration and crop coefficients for five species of three-year-old bamboo plants under a tropical climate
  120. Filamentous fungi are large-scale producers of pigments and colorants for the food industry
  121. Effects of High Nutrient Supply on the Growth of Seven Bamboo Species
  122. Determination of speciality food salt origin by using 16S rDNA fingerprinting of bacterial communities by PCR–DGGE: An application on marine salts produced in solar salterns from the French Atlantic Ocean
  123. Production of Biocolors
  124. Base-Induced Decarboxylation of Polyunsaturatedα-Cyano Acids Derived from Malonic Acid: Synthesis of Sesquiterpene Nitriles and Aldehydes withβ-,φ-, andψ-End Groups
  125. Natural hydroxyanthraquinoid pigments as potent food grade colorants: an overview
  126. Carotenoid-derived aroma compounds detected and identified in brines and speciality sea salts (fleur de sel) produced in solar salterns from Saint-Armel (France)
  127. ChemInform Abstract: Synthesis of a New C-15 Phosphorus Ylide Used for the Preparation of Some β-End-Group Retinoid Derivatives.
  128. Synthesis of a New C-15 Phosphorus Ylide Used for the Preparation of Some β-End-Group Retinoid Derivatives
  129. Color
  130. Water-soluble red pigments from Isaria farinosa and structural characterization of the main colored component
  131. Microbial and Microalgal Carotenoids as Colourants and Supplements
  132. Pigments, Microbial
  133. Total Food
  134. Carotenoids
  135. Kinetic study on the Maillard reaction. Consideration of sugar reactivity
  136. Antioxidant and Free Radical Scavenging Properties of Marennine, a Blue-Green Polyphenolic Pigment from the DiatomHaslea ostrearia(Gaillon/Bory) Simonsen Responsible for the Natural Greening of Cultured Oysters
  137. Optimization of free radical scavenging activity by response surface methodology in the hydrolysis of shrimp processing discards
  138. Pigments from Microalgae and Microorganisms
  139. First pigment fingerprints from the rind of French PDO red-smear ripened soft cheeses Epoisses, Mont d'Or and Maroilles
  140. New Syntheses of Retinal and Its Acyclic Analogγ-Retinal by an Extended Aldol Reaction with a C6 Building Block That Incorporates a C5 Unit after Decarboxylation. A Formal Route to Lycopene andβ-Carotene
  141. A New Biomimetic-Like Aromatization of the Cyclic End Groups of Terpenoids with Stereospecific Migration of One of the Methyl Groups: A Convenient Route to Isorenieratene (φ,φ-Carotene)
  142. Fatty acid accumulation in the yeast Sporidiobolus salmonicolor during batch production of γ-decalactone
  143. Comparison of hydrodistillation methods for the deodorization of turmeric
  144. Effect of sucrose on the anthocyanin and antioxidant capacity of mulberry extract during high temperature heating
  145. HPLC analysis of the pigments produced by the microflora isolated from the ‘Protected Designation of Origin’ French red-smear soft cheeses Munster, Epoisses, Reblochon and Livarot
  146. Separation and determination of the physico-chemical characteristics of curcumin, demethoxycurcumin and bisdemethoxycurcumin
  147. Spectrocolorimetry in the CIE L*a*b* color space as useful tool for monitoring the ripening process and the quality of PDO red-smear soft cheeses
  148. The last step in the biosynthesis of aryl carotenoids in the cheese ripening bacteria Brevibacterium linens ATCC 9175 (Brevibacterium aurantiacum sp. nov.) involves a cytochrome P450-dependent monooxygenase
  149. Third International Congress on Pigments in Food
  150. Microorganisms and microalgae as sources of pigments for food use: a scientific oddity or an industrial reality?
  151. Pigments in food, more than colours…
  152. Preparation and testing of Sardinella protein hydrolysates as nitrogen source for extracellular lipase production by Rhizopus oryzae
  153. New Synthesis of Natural Carotene Isorenieratene (Φ,Φ-Carotene) and Its 3,3′-Dimethoxy Analogue.
  154. New Synthesis of Natural Carotene Isorenieratene (φ,φ-Carotene) and its 3,3′-Dimethoxy Analogue
  155. Inhibition of marine bacteria by extracts of macroalgae: potential use for environmentally friendly antifouling paints
  156. Separation of glyceride positional isomers by silver ion chromatography
  157. Assessment of the Coloring Strength of Brevibacterium linens Strains: Spectrocolorimetry Versus Total Carotenoid Extraction/Quantification
  158. Enzymatic hydrolysis of proteins from yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) wastes using Alcalase
  159. Evaluation of Nitrogenous Substrates Such as Peptones from Fish:A New Method Based on Gompertz Modeling of Microbial Growth
  160. Evaluation of regioselectivity of lipases based on synthesis reaction conducted with propyl alcohol, isopropyl alcohol and propylene glycol
  161. Enzymic Solubilisation of Proteins from Tropical Tuna Using Alcalase and Some Biological Properties of the Hydrolysates
  162. Metabolism of ricinoleic acid into γ-decalactone: β-oxidation and long chain acyl intermediates of ricinoleic acid in the genusSporidiobolussp.
  163. Metabolism of ricinoleic acid into γ-decalactone: β-oxidation and long chain acyl intermediates of ricinoleic acid in the genus Sporidiobolus sp.
  164. Characterization of Brevibacterium linens pigmentation using spectrocolorimetry
  165. Production of carotenoids by Brevibacterium linens : variation among strains, kinetic aspects and HPLC profiles
  166. In Situ Detoxification of the Fermentation Medium during γ-Decalactone Production with the Yeast Sporidiobolus salmonicolor
  167. Trapping of  -Decalactone by Adsorption on Hydrophobic Sorbents : Application to the bioconversion of methyl ricinoleate by the yeast Sporidiobolus salmonicolor
  168. Production of γ-decalactone and 4-hydroxy-decanoic acid in the genus Sporidiobolus
  169. Fatty acid accumulation in the yeast Sporidiobolus salmonicolor during batch production of γ-decalactone
  170. Chirality of the ?-lactones produced bySporidiobolus salmonicolor grown in two different media
  171. Production, Identification, and Toxicity of (gamma)-Decalactone and 4-Hydroxydecanoic Acid from Sporidiobolus spp
  172. Chirality of the ?-lactones formed byFusarium poae INRA 45
  173. Anthraquinones