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  1. PREVALENCE, Characteristics, and Awareness of Chronic Kidney Disease in Croatia: The EH-UH 2 Study
  2. Prevalence, Characteristics, and Awareness of Chronic Kidney Disease in Croatia. The EH-UH 2 Study
  3. Renal Denervation in the Treatment of Resistant Hypertension and Difficult-to-Control Hypertension – Consensus Document of the Croatian Hypertension League – Croatian Society of Hypertension, Croatian Cardiac Society, Croatian Endovascular Initiative, ...
  4. Triple Combination, Two Diseases, and a Single Tablet
  5. The Position of the Croatian Society of Hypertension on the Observed Increase in Risk of Non-melanoma Skin Cancer Associated with Hydrochlorothiazide Treatment
  6. Blood pressure and residual renal function in patients undergoing hemodialysis
  7. Can ambulatory blood pressure monitoring improve the risk stratification in younger people with normal blood pressure and prehypertension?
  8. Evaluation of heart structure and function in prehypertensive and hypertensive individuals
  9. Heart rate is associated with glomerular hyperfiltration in apparently healthy subjects
  10. Serum urates are not associated with albuminuria in pre-hypertensive patients and newly diagnosed hypertensive patients