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  1. Sliding-Mode Control for Systems with Stochastic Communication Delays*
  2. High-Gain Functional Observer Based Output-Feedback Sliding-Mode Control with Chattering Avoidance*
  3. Nyquist criterion for chattering avoidance and global stability in observer-based sliding-mode control with parasitics
  4. Sliding-Mode Controllers for Soil Moisture Modeled by Nonlinear Parabolic Partial Differential Equations
  5. Chattering is a Persistent Problem in Classical and Modern Sliding Mode Control
  6. Guest Editorial: Special Issue on XXIII Brazilian Congress of Automatics (CBA 2020)
  7. Stabilizing Control of an Unmanned Surface Vehicle Pushing a Floating Load
  8. Non-collocated sliding mode control of partial differential equations for soil irrigation
  9. Cascade observers for output-feedback control under parametric uncertainties, disturbances and arbitrary sensor delays
  10. Renewable Energy System for Small Water Desalination Plant
  11. Positive filter synthesis for sliding-mode control
  12. Adaptive unit vector control of multivariable systems using monitoring functions
  13. Experimental variable structure trajectory tracking control of a surface vessel with a motion capture system
  14. Adaptive Sliding Mode Control Based on the Extended Equivalent Control Concept for Disturbances with Unknown Bounds
  15. Cascade observers for output-feedback control of uncertain systems with arbitrary sensor delays
  16. A Distributed Parameter Approach for Sliding Mode Control of Soil Irrigation * *This work was supported in part by Brazilian funding agencies CNPq, FAPERJ and CAPES.
  17. Monitoring Functions Applied to Adaptive Sliding Mode Control for Disturbance Rejection
  18. Global Stability and Simultaneous Compensation of State and Output Delays for Nonlinear Systems via Output-Feedback Sliding Mode Control
  19. Globally Stable Synchronization of Chaotic Systems Based on Norm Observers Connected in Cascade
  20. Unmanned Quadcopter Control Using a Motion Capture System
  21. Adaptive sliding mode control for disturbances with unknown bounds
  22. Model-reference impedance and admittance control of linear systems
  23. Damping resonant modes in DC motors using sliding mode control
  24. Sliding-mode fault-tolerant control for systems subjected to actuator and internal dynamics failures
  25. Extremum seeking control via monitoring function and time-scaling for plants of arbitrary relative degree
  26. Output-feedback sliding-mode control via cascade observers for global stabilisation of a class of nonlinear systems with output time delay
  27. Wave-to-Wire Model and Energy Storage Analysis of an Ocean Wave Energy Hyperbaric Converter
  28. Output-feedback sliding-mode control of multivariable systems with uncertain time-varying state delays and unmatched non-linearities
  29. High Voltage Power Supply With High Output Current and Low Power Consumption for Photomultiplier Tubes
  30. Output-feedback sliding mode control for global tracking of uncertain nonlinear time-delay systems
  31. Output Feedback Sliding Mode Control Approaches Using Observers and/or Differentiators
  32. High voltage power supply with low power consumption for photomultiplier tubes
  33. Efficiency optimization in a wave energy hyperbaric converter
  34. Peaking free variable structure control of uncertain linear systems based on a high-gain observer
  35. Dynamic Model of a Semi-Submersible Platform for the Development of Ballast Control Systems
  36. Turbine speed control for an ocean wave energy conversion system
  37. Design of First-Order Approximation Filters for Sliding-Mode Control of Uncertain Systems
  38. Output-feedback sliding mode control of multivariable nonlinear systems with unmatched disturbances
  39. Controle de sistemas lineares incertos por modos deslizantes e observador de alto ganho sem peaking
  40. Output-feedback model-reference sliding mode control of uncertain multivariable systems
  41. Dynamic positioning of remotely operated underwater vehicles
  42. Design of a high performance variable structure position control of ROVs
  43. Input/output variable structure position control of a remotely operated underwater vehicle
  44. Multivariable Output-Feedback Sliding Mode Control
  45. Cooperative actuators for fault tolerant model-reference sliding mode control
  46. Design of Sliding Mode Controllers for Linear Uncertain Systems Based on First Order Approximation Filters
  47. Design of first order approximation filters applied to sliding mode control
  48. Model-reference sliding mode control of uncertain multivariable systems