All Stories

  1. A Verification Theorem for Threshold-Indexability of Real-State Discounted Restless Bandits
  2. Resource allocation and routing in parallel multi-server queues with abandonments for cloud profit maximization
  3. Whittle’s Index Policy for Multi-Target Tracking with Jamming and Nondetections
  4. A Dynamic Page-Refresh Index Policy for Web Crawlers
  5. Admission and routing of soft real-time jobs to multiclusters: Design and comparison of index policies
  6. Towards minimum loss job routing to parallel heterogeneous multiserver queues via index policies
  7. Index-Based Admission Control and Load Balancing of Firm Real-Time Jobs in Multi-clusters
  8. Computing a Classic Index for Finite-Horizon Bandits
  9. Klimov's Model
  10. Conservation Laws and Related Applications
  11. Index policies for admission and routing of soft real-time traffic to parallel queues
  12. Multitarget tracking via restless bandit marginal productivity indices and Kalman filter in discrete time
  13. A Restless Bandit Marginal Productivity Index for Opportunistic Spectrum Access with Sensing Errors
  14. A Faster Index Algorithm and a Computational Study for Bandits with Switching Costs
  15. An Index Policy for Dynamic Fading-Channel Allocation to Heterogeneous Mobile Users with Partial Observations
  16. Computing an Index Policy for Multiarmed Bandits with Deadlines
  17. An Index Policy for Multiarmed Multimode Restless Bandits
  18. Admission Control and Routing to Parallel Queues with Delayed Information via Marginal Productivity Indices
  19. A (2/3)n3Fast-Pivoting Algorithm for the Gittins Index and Optimal Stopping of a Markov Chain
  20. Dynamic priority allocation via restless bandit marginal productivity indices
  21. Rejoinder on: Dynamic priority allocation via restless bandit marginal productivity indices
  22. Marginal Productivity Index Policies for Scheduling Multiclass Delay-/Loss-Sensitive Traffic with Delayed State Observation
  23. Time-Constrained Restless Bandits and the Knapsack Problem for Perishable Items (Extended Abstract)
  24. Computing an Index Policy for Bandits with Switching Penalties
  25. Characterization and Computation of Restless Bandit Marginal Productivity Indices
  26. Marginal productivity index policies for scheduling a multiclass delay-/loss-sensitive queue
  27. Restless Bandit Marginal Productivity Indices, Diminishing Returns, and Optimal Control of Make-to-Order/Make-to-StockM/G/1Queues
  28. Marginal productivity index policies for scheduling multiclass delay-/loss-sensitive traffic
  29. Whittle's index policy for a multi-class queueing system with convex holding costs
  30. Index policies for a class of discounted restless bandits
  31. Dynamic allocation indices for restless projects and queueing admission control: a polyhedral approach
  32. Parallel Scheduling of MulticlassM/M/mQueues: Approximate and Heavy-Traffic Optimization of Achievable Performance
  33. Restless bandits, partial conservation laws and indexability
  34. Assessing an intuitive condition for stability under a range of traffic conditions via a generalised Lu-Kumar network
  35. Assessing an intuitive condition for stability under a range of traffic conditions via a generalised Lu-Kumar network
  36. Restless Bandits, Linear Programming Relaxations, and a Primal-Dual Index Heuristic
  37. The achievable region approach to the optimal control of stochastic systems
  38. A Semidefinite Programming Approach to the Optimal Control of a Single Server Queueing System with Imposed Second Moment Constraints
  39. A semidefinite programming approach to the optimal control of a single server queueing system with imposed second moment constraints
  40. Optimization of Multiclass Queueing Networks with Changeover Times Via the Achievable Region Approach: Part I, The Single-Station Case
  41. Optimization of Multiclass Queueing Networks with Changeover Times Via the Achievable Region Approach: Part II, The Multi-Station Case
  42. Scheduling multiclass queueing networks on parallel servers: Approximate and heavy-traffic optimality of Klimov's priority rule
  43. Conservation Laws, Extended Polymatroids and Multiarmed Bandit Problems; A Polyhedral Approach to Indexable Systems
  44. Stochastic Scheduling
  45. Stochastic Scheduling
  46. A Marginal Productivity Index Rule for Scheduling Multiclass Queues with Setups
  47. A Marginal Productivity Index Policy for the Finite-Horizon Multiarmed Bandit Problem
  48. Marginal productivity index policies for scheduling multiclass wireless transmissions
  49. Marginal Productivity Index Policies for Admission Control and Routing to Parallel Multi-server Loss Queues with Reneging