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  1. Value of standard radiographs, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging of the lumbar spine in detection of intraoperatively confirmed pedicle screw loosening—a prospective clinical trial
  2. [CME: Lumbar spinal stenosis].
  3. [CME Answers: "Lumbar Spinal Canal Stenosis" from PRAXIS No. 01].
  4. Shunt age-related complications in adult patients with suspected shunt dysfunction. A recommended diagnostic workup
  5. Perforation and Bacterial Contamination of Microscope Covers in Lumbar Spinal Decompressive Surgery
  6. Spinale Tumoren - Teil 1: Extradurale Tumoren. Epidemiologie, klinische Aspekte und Therapie
  7. Spinale Tumoren - Teil 2: Intradurale Tumoren. Epidemiologie, klinische Aspekte und Therapie