All Stories

  1. Logic Gate Generation in a Monostable Optical System: Improving the Erbium-Doped Fiber Laser Reconfigurable Logic Operation
  2. Optical Energy Increasing in a Synchronized Motif-Ring Array of Autonomous Erbium-Doped Fiber Lasers
  3. Does a Fractional-Order Recurrent Neural Network Improve the Identification of Chaotic Dynamics?
  4. A Recurrent Neural Network for Identifying Multiple Chaotic Systems
  5. Harnessing Multistability: A Novel Approach to Optical Logic Gate Construction Using Erbium-Doped Fiber Lasers
  6. Predicting Tipping Points in a Family of PWL Systems: Detecting Multistability via Linear Operators Properties
  7. High Efficiency and High Stability for SHG in an Nd:YVO4 Laser with a KTP Intracavity and Q-Switching through Harmonic Modulation
  8. Numerical and Experimental Data of the Implementation of Logic Gates in an Erbium-Doped Fiber Laser (EDFL)
  9. The Wonder World of Complex Systems
  10. Implementation of Logic Gates in an Erbium-Doped Fiber Laser (EDFL): Numerical and Experimental Analysis
  11. Multi-scroll systems synchronization on strongly connected digraphs
  12. Deterministic Brownian-Like Motion: Electronic Approach
  13. Multistability Route in a PWL Multi-scroll System through Fractional-Order Derivatives
  14. Synchronization in Dynamically Coupled Fractional-Order Chaotic Systems: Studying the Effects of Fractional Derivatives
  15. On Synchronization of Unidirectionally Coupled Multi-Scroll Systems: Dynamic vs Static Interconnections
  16. A physical interpretation of fractional-order-derivatives in a jerk system: Electronic approach
  17. Parametric control for multiscroll generation: Electronic implementation and equilibrium analysis
  18. Electronic implementation dataset to monoparametric control the number of scrolls generated
  19. Multistability Emergence through Fractional-Order-Derivatives in a PWL Multi-Scroll System
  20. A novel approach to generate attractors with a high number of scrolls
  21. An adaptive algorithm for restoring image corrupted by mixed noise
  22. Evidence of multistability in a multiscroll generator system
  23. Dynamical Systems Lasers Synchronization Multistability