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  1. Efficacy of long day photoperiod treatment with respect to age of bucks for stimulation of the “male effect” on does at Mediterranean latitudes
  2. Organoleptic and Nutritional Traits of Lambs from Spanish Mediterranean Islands Raised under a Traditional Production System
  3. The High Testosterone Concentrations of the Bucks Used in the “Male Effect” Is Not a Prerequisite for Obtaining High Ovarian Activity in Goats from Mediterranean Latitudes
  4. The use of photoperiod-treated bucks to induce a “male effect” does not compensate for the negative effects of nutritional restriction of the females in Mediterranean goats
  5. Efecto de la zona de procedencia y época de muestreo sobre la composición bromatológica de la torta de maracuyá
  6. Supplementing the Diet of Dairy Goats with Dried Orange Pulp throughout Lactation: I. Effect on Milk Performance, Nutrient Utilisation, Blood Parameters and Production Economics
  7. Supplementing the Diet of Dairy Goats with Dried Orange Pulp throughout Lactation: II Effect on Milk Fatty Acids Profile, Phenolic Compounds, Fat-Soluble Vitamins and Antioxidant Capacity
  8. Calidad sensorial de la carne de cabritos lechales criados en sistemas de producción basados en pastoreo
  9. Photoperiod-Treatment in Mediterranean Bucks Can Improve the Reproductive Performance of the Male Effect Depending on the Extent of Their Seasonality
  10. Physicochemical Composition, Antioxidant Status, Fatty Acid Profile, and Volatile Compounds of Milk and Fresh and Ripened Ewes’ Cheese from a Sustainable Part-Time Grazing System
  11. The introduction of sexually active bucks at different moments of the oestrous cycle does not modify the NEFAs or the IGF-1 concentrations
  12. Effect of Citrus By-product on Physicochemical Parameters, Sensory Analysis and Volatile Composition of Different Kinds of Cheese from Raw Goat Milk
  14. The Use of Concentrates Rich in Orange By-Products in Goat Feed and Its Effects on Physico-Chemical, Textural, Fatty Acids, Volatile Compounds and Sensory Characteristics of the Meat of Suckling Kids
  15. Using dried orange pulp in the diet of dairy goats: effects on milk yield and composition and blood parameters of dams and growth performance and carcass quality of kids
  16. Meat quality of goat suckling kids
  17. Photoperiod-treated bucks are equal to melatonin-treated bucks for inducing reproductive behaviour and physiological functions via the “male effect” in Mediterranean goats
  18. Carcase and meat quality of Blanca Andaluza kids fed exclusively with milk from their dams under organic and conventional grazing-based management systems
  19. The reproductive response to the male effect of 7- or 10-month-old female goats is improved when photostimulated males are used
  20. Effect of body condition and melatonin implants, inserted at different times of the year, on ovarian activity in goats maintained without male contact from the time of implantation
  21. Reproductive responses to sexually active buck of does treated with melatonin when body weight/body condition is increasing or decreasing
  22. When using photostimulated bucks to induce the male effect in female goats living at Mediterranean latitudes, a male: female ratio of 1:20 is optimum
  23. The isolation of females from males to promote a later male effect is unnecessary if the bucks used are sexually active
  24. Can dairy goat farms in mountain areas reach a satisfactory level of profitability without intensification? A case study in Andalusia (Spain)
  25. The reproductive performance of female goats treated with melatonin is not improved after introduction to bucks displaying springtime sexual activity if these does are experiencing decreasing body weight/condition score
  26. Seasonal changes in reproductive activity, sperm variables and sperm freezability in Blanca Andaluza bucks
  27. Exogenous melatonin does not improve the freezability of Blanca Andaluza goat semen over exposure to two months of short days
  28. Reproductive performance response to the male effect in goats is improved when doe live weight/body condition score is increasing
  29. Body condition score is a critical factor determining the onset of puberty in Blanca Andaluza female goat kids
  30. No previous isolation of female goats is required for novel males to induce a male effect, especially if direct physical contact is established
  31. Role of body condition score and body weight in the control of seasonal reproduction in Blanca Andaluza goats
  32. The timing of oestrus, the preovulatory LH surge and ovulation in Blanca Andaluza goats synchronised by intravaginal progestagen sponge treatment is modified by season but not by body condition score
  33. Short communication. Melatonin improves the reproductive performance of seasonal anoestrus goats exposed to buck effect during early post-partum
  34. Fatty acid composition of muscle and adipose tissues of organic and conventional Blanca Andaluza suckling kids
  35. Fatty acid composition of muscle and internal fat depots of organic and conventional Payoya goat kids
  36. Exogenous melatonin after a treatment of artificial long days is able to increase LH secretion during seasonal anoestrus in Payoya goats
  37. Influence of the male effect on the reproductive performance of female Payoya goats implanted with melatonin at the winter solstice
  38. Enhancement of the male effect on reproductive performance in female Mediterranean goats with long day and/or melatonin treatment
  39. Reproductive Performance is Improved During Seasonal Anoestrus when Female and Male Murciano-Granadina Goats Receive Melatonin Implants and in Payoya Goats when Females are thus Treated
  40. The effect of nutrition on the neural mechanisms potentially involved in melatonin-stimulated LH secretion in female Mediterranean goats
  41. Prevention and Treatment of Breast Cancer Using Melatonin
  42. The response of luteinizing hormone secretion to photoperiod is modified by the level of nutrition in female Mediterranean goats
  43. Artificial long days and daily contact with bucks induce ovarian but not oestrous activity during the non-breeding season in Mediterranean goat females
  44. The Role of Nutrition in the Regulation of Luteinizing Hormone Secretion by the Opioidergic, Dopaminergic, and Serotonergic Systems in Female Mediterranean Goats1
  45. Artificial long days in addition to exogenous melatonin and daily contact with bucks stimulate the ovarian and oestrous activity in Mediterranean goat females
  46. Effect of artificial long days and/or melatonin treatment on the sexual activity of Mediterranean bucks
  47. Melatonin concentrations in the two jugular veins, and relationship with the seasonal reproductive activity in goats
  48. Effect of melatonin implants on sexual activity in Mediterranean goat females without separation from males
  49. Effect of artificial vs. natural rearing on milk yield, kid growth and cost in Payoya autochthonous dairy goats
  50. Effects of season and feeding level on reproductive activity and semen quality in Payoya buck goats
  51. Influence of kid rearing systems on milk yield, kid growth and cost of Florida dairy goats
  52. Nutrition level and season of birth do not modify puberty of Payoya goat kids
  53. Effect of plane of nutrition on seasonality of reproduction in Spanish Payoya goats
  54. Characterization of semi-extensive goat production systems in southern Spain
  55. Effect of hygiene-sanitary management on goat milk quality in semi-extensive systems in Spain