All Stories

  1. Conhecimento para apoio aos profissionais responsáveis pelo diagnóstico de citologia anal: revisão narrativa e interpretação de critérios citomorfológicos
  2. What is the real impact of the change in the screening strategy for cervical cancer in Brazil?
  3. Microablative fractional radiofrequency for sexual dysfunction and vaginal Trophism: A randomized clinical trial
  4. A new proposal in the approach of vulvovaginitis
  5. Chatbot, ChatGPT: artificial intelligence and/or business intelligence and/or robotic untruths, for now
  6. Vaginal probiotics on the outcomes of premature rupture of membranes: a pilot randomised clinical trial
  7. Efficacy of Hormonal and Nonhormonal Approaches to Vaginal Atrophy and Sexual Dysfunctions in Postmenopausal Women: A Systematic Review
  8. Anal High-risk HPV and Liquid-based Cytology of Immunocompetent Brazilian Women with Genital High-risk HPV
  9. Antifungal (oral and vaginal) therapy for recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis: a systematic review and meta-analysis
  10. Anal cancer and its similarities with cervical cancer – the rescue of forgotten studies
  11. Liquid‐based cytology and HPV DNA test in anal specimens from women with cervical cancer
  12. Comparative measurement of D- and L-lactic acid isomers in vaginal secretions: association with high-grade cervical squamous intraepithelial lesions
  13. Peritoneal lavage cytology in the diagnosis of pelvic endometriosis
  14. Potential impact of the COVID-19 in HIV-infected individuals: a systematic review Impact of the COVID-19 in HIV-Infected Individuals
  15. Brazilian Protocol for Sexually Transmitted Infections, 2020: infections causing vaginal discharge
  16. COVID-19 and Sexually Transmitted Infections. What are the consequences?
  17. Protocolo Brasileiro para Infecções Sexualmente Transmissíveis 2020: infecções que causam corrimento vaginal
  18. Syphilis, history, science, and arts: syphilis history calendar
  19. Microbiota do colo uterino por Gram em pacientes com infeção por papilomavírus humano e outras infecções sexualmente transmissíveis
  20. HIV, Syphilis, Hepatitis B, and Hepatitis C in Incarcerated Women in a Metropolitan Detention Center in Northeast Brazil
  21. Liquid-based cervical cytology and microbiological analyses in women using cooper intrauterine device and levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system
  22. Mobile emergency care service for pregnant adolescents: A population‐based study
  23. Misconduct in scientific publication: a risk to life
  24. Diagnosis of vaginitis: time to improve and move on
  25. Impact of microablative fractional radiofrequency on the vaginal health, microbiota, and cellularity of postmenopausal women
  26. What influence does vaginal microbiota have on Human Papillomavirus infection?
  27. Fine‐needle aspiration cytology of a Zenker's diverticula‐mimicking thyroid nodule
  28. Treatment of bacterial vaginosis before 28 weeks of pregnancy to reduce the incidence of preterm labor
  29. Prevalence of high‐risk HPV and atypia in liquid‐based cytology of cervical and intra‐anal specimens from kidney‐transplanted women
  30. Double-Blind Clinical Trial of Arginine Supplementation in the Treatment of Adult Patients with Sickle Cell Anaemia
  31. Trichomonas vaginitis frequency in 5 years.
  32. HPV infection and endometriosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis
  33. Atypical Squamous Cells: Cytopathological Findings and Correlation with HPV Genotype and Histopathology
  34. Management of Atypical Squamous Cell Cases: A Prospective Study of Women seen at a Private Health Service in Northeastern Brazil
  35. Does 100% Rapid Review Improve Cervical Cancer Screening?
  36. Atypical Squamous Cells in Liquid-Based Cervical Cytology: Microbiology, Inflammatory Infiltrate, and Human Papillomavirus-DNA Testing
  37. What does inflammatory cells in BV mean?
  38. Poorly differentiated vaginal adenocarcinoma with aggressive behavior-Pap smear findings
  39. Quality of life in breast cancer survivors
  40. P5.26 Atypical pap smear before and after hpv vaccine in private service at fortaleza, brazil
  41. P5.27 Prevalence ofchlamydia trachomatisin different age groups of women in fortaleza, brazil
  42. P5.28 Diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis with affirm vpiii
  43. Immunohistochemical Expression of the Tumor Suppressor Protein p16INK4a in Cervical Adenocarcinoma
  44. P10.01 High-risk hpv is a marker for atypical intraanal cytology in immunocompetent women
  45. Adequacy of Fine-Needle Aspiration Cytology for Breast Lesions: The SurePath® Liquid-Based Technique versus Conventional Smears
  46. Liquid-based cytology and HPV DNA testing using intra-anal specimens from HIV-negative women with and without genital HPV-induced lesions
  47. Progressive loss of E-cadherin immunoexpression during cervical carcinogenesis
  48. The Risk of High-Grade Squamous Intraepithelial Lesions in Women with Low Serum Levels of Vitamin A
  49. Uterine cervical ectopy during reproductive age: Cytological and microbiological findings
  50. Eosinofilia no sangue periférico de mulheres com candidiase vaginal recorrente
  51. Prevalence of HPV in Adolescents Virgins and Sexually Active at a University Hospital in the City of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  53. Influência dos sintomas climatéricos sobre a função sexual de mulheres de meia-idade
  54. Comparative incidence of cancer in HIV-AIDS patients and transplant recipients
  55. Evaluation of Sexual Function in Brazilian Women with Recurrent Vulvovaginal Candidiasis and Localized Provoked Vulvodynia
  56. Study on Liquid-BaSed CytoLogy (SurePath) of the aSSoCiation Between Candida SPeCieS in women with BaCteriaL VaginoSiS
  57. The Prevalence of Urogenital Infections in Pregnant Women Experiencing Preterm and Full-Term Labor
  58. Perinatal morbidity and mortality associated with chlamydial infection: a meta-analysis study
  59. Perinatal morbidity and mortality associated with chlamydial infection: a meta-analysis study
  60. Behavioral and biological risks of women seeking HIV test in an anonymous testing center
  61. HTLV II em doadores de sangue na Hemorrede do Ceará – HEMOCE
  62. Comentário de Editorial
  63. Cervicovaginal tuberculosis in a postmenopausal woman
  64. HPV-DNA Hybrid Capture Test
  65. O345 Association between vaginal douching and chlamydia trachomatis infection and/or neisseria gonorrhoeae in female sex workers
  66. Papillary Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Uterine Cervix, High-Risk Human Papilloma Virus Infection and p16INK4a Expression
  67. Actinomyces-like organisms from a vaginal granuloma following intravaginal slingplasty with polypropylene mesh
  68. Evaluation of hygienic douching on the vaginal microflora of female sex workers
  69. Associação entre a carga viral de HPV de alto risco, expressão de p16INK4a e lesões intra-epiteliais escamosas do colo uterino
  70. Secretory immunoglobulin A: a protective factor in the genital mucosa
  71. Contagem de morfotipos de Mobiluncus sp e concentração de leucócitos em esfregaços vaginais de pacientes com vaginose bacteriana
  72. Receptores de estrógeno e progesterona em células do sedimento de fluido peritoneal na endometriose pélvica: estudo imunocitoquímico
  73. Aspectos Citopatológicos de Fluido Peritoneal na Endometriose Pélvica e suas Relações Endoscópicas, Histopatológicas e Imunocitoquímicas
  74. Atipias de Células Escamosas de Significado Indeterminado (ASCUS): estudo de 208 Casos