All Stories

  1. When risk is invisible and at home
  2. Redrawing the Lines Against Disinformation: How AI Is Shaping the Present and Future of Fact-checking
  3. Dissecting Social Media Journalism: A Comparative Study Across Platforms, Outlets and Countries
  4. Periodismo en Twitch: análisis exploratorio de las primeras iniciativas informativas
  5. AI application in journalism: ChatGPT and the uses and risks of an emergent technology
  6. No People, No News: News Deserts and Areas at Risk in Spain
  7. Evolution, trends and future of native media: From avant-garde to the epicenter of the communications ecosystem
  8. Research on digital native media: an emerging topic in the field of digital communication
  9. Misinformation on Trial: Media Coverage of a Murder, Public Conversation and Fact-Checking
  10. Open and commercial tools to generate a digital interactive story in journalism: systematic review and features analysis
  11. Algorithms and communication: A systematized literature review
  12. An Introduction to the Study of Journalism and Its Boundaries
  13. Blurring and Redefining Boundaries of Journalism in the Production and Reception of Interactive Digital Storytelling
  14. Los medios bajo el prisma de la audiencia española: cuestión de confianza
  15. Journalism, politics and citizenship: Keys to a new relationship from Spain
  16. Actualización de las fases del contenido periodístico para dispositivos móviles
  17. Back to Fukushima: Perceptions and effects of an immersive journalism story
  18. Blurring Boundaries Between Journalists and Tiktokers: Journalistic Role Performance on TikTok
  19. An Introduction to ‘Total Journalism’
  20. Emerging Journalisms: From Intuition to Prediction and the Constructive Approach
  21. Journalistic Storytelling for Complexity
  22. Documental interactivo y transmedia en América Latina: modelos, temáticas y estrategias
  23. Convergence of linear television and digital platforms: An analysis of YouTube offer and consumption
  24. Nuevas narrativas en los cibermedios: de la disrupción a la consolidación de formatos y características
  25. Intersections between TikTok and TV: Channels and Programmes Thinking Outside the Box
  26. Let’s dance the news! How the news media are adapting to the logic of TikTok
  27. Mapa y características de los cibermedios locales e hiperlocales en España
  28. Journalism in Digital Native Media: Beyond Technological Determinism
  29. Ephemeral Journalism: News Distribution Through Instagram Stories
  30. Interactive documentary: an interactive non-fiction storytelling format
  31. Innovación tecnológica y comunicativa para combatir la desinformación: 135 experiencias para un cambio de rumbo
  32. La innovación multimedia e interactiva en el ciberperiodismo argentino
  33. La audiencia activa en la ficción transmedia: plataformas, interactividad y medición
  34. Actores implicados en la consolidación del documental interactivo
  35. Interactive and Transmedia Documentary: Production, Interface, Content and Representation
  36. Transmedia discourse at the local and hyperlocal sphere
  37. Documental interactivo iberoamericano: proximidad y transformación social
  38. Interactive documentaries as a format in audiovisual media: A case study of RTVE and Al Jazeera
  39. Transmedia from university: Case study of DocuMedia model
  40. Contribuciones del documental interactivo a la renovación de las narrativas periodísticas: realidades y desafíos
  41. IV Encontro Mocidade Investigadora: 9-10 de xuño de 2016, Santiago de Compostela (España). Libro de resumos
  42. Immersive Journalism Through Mobile Devices: How Virtual Reality Apps Are Changing News Consumption
  43. Interactive Feature: A Journalistic Genre for Digital Media
  44. The Use of Social Networks in Interactive Documentary
  45. Fact-checking platforms in Spanish. Features, organisation and method