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  1. Psychological and social factors associated with mental health of European dual career athletes: A systematic review
  2. How is coaches’ social identity leadership related to mental health in elite athletes? The mediating role of satisfaction with performance
  3. Career trajectories of junior athletes in Latin America and the Caribbean and their relationship with mental health
  4. Physical education motivational climate, on the achievement goals, and intrinsic motivation of students: a multilevel approach
  5. Perfectionistic Environments and Irrational Beliefs on the Transition to Elite Athletic Performance: A Longitudinal Study
  6. Factorial validity, predictive validity and measurement invariance of the Danish version of the coach-created Empowering Disempowering Motivational Climate Questionnaire (EDMCQ-C)
  7. Antecedents and mediators of the association between adolescents’ intention and physical activity: a cross-sectional study in seven European countries
  8. Experiencias de carrera dual y salud mental en estudiantes deportistas de alto rendimiento
  9. Ready for Failure? Irrational Beliefs, Perfectionism and Mental Health in Male Soccer Academy Players
  10. Where Did All the Sport Go? Negative Impact of COVID-19 Lockdown on Life-Spheres and Mental Health of Spanish Young Athletes
  11. Spanish female student-athletes’ perception of key competencies for successful dual career adjustment
  12. Máxima Información, Mínima Molestia (MIMO): Reducir cuestionarios para cuidar de las personas participantes en psicología del deporte
  13. Implementación de un Programa de Asistencia de Carrera Dual en un Club multideportivo privado
  14. The Mediating Role of Coping between Competitive Anxiety and Sport Commitment in Adolescent Athletes