All Stories

  1. Corrigendum: The soil-conscious forestry and the forbidden apple
  2. The soil-conscious forestry and the forbidden apple
  3. Global fine-resolution data on springtail abundance and community structure
  4. Earthworms and Humus Forms
  5. Soil-Conscious Forestry and the Forbidden Apple
  6. Soil, Humipedon, Forest Life and Management
  7. Why phylogenetic signal of traits is important in ecosystems: uniformity of a plant trait increases soil fauna, but only in a phylogenetically uniform vegetation
  8. Globally invariant metabolism but density-diversity mismatch in springtails
  9. Humus: Dark side of life or intractable “aether”?
  11. A Standardized Morpho-Functional Classification of the Planet’s Humipedons
  12. Communities, ecosystem engineers, and functional domains
  13. Trait‐mediated responses to aridity and experimental drought by springtail communities across Europe
  14. Globally invariant metabolism but density-diversity mismatch in springtails
  15. Responses of Collembola communities to mixtures of wheat varieties: A trait-based approach
  16. Communities, ecosystem engineers, and functional domains
  17. Global data on earthworm abundance, biomass, diversity and corresponding environmental properties
  18. Soil quality and fertility in sustainable agriculture + soil classification
  19. Combined forest and soil management after a catastrophic event
  20. Erratum for the Report “Global distribution of earthworm diversity” by H. R. P. Phillips, C. A. Guerra, M. L. C. Bartz, M. J. I. Briones, G. Brown, T. W. Crowther, O. Ferlian, K. B. Gongalsky, J. van den Hoogen, J. Krebs, A. Orgiazzi, D. Routh, B. Schw...
  21. Correction to: Chemical communication in springtails: a review of facts and perspectives
  22. Move or change, an eco-evolutionary dilemma: The case of Collembola
  23. Organic Food “Yes”, Organic Food “No” A Discussion between Specialists with the Italian Parliament in the Fray
  24. Global distribution of earthworm diversity
  25. Fast attrition of springtail communities by experimental drought and richness-decomposition relationships across Europe
  26. Habitat diversity associated to island size and environmental filtering control the species richness of rock‐savanna plants in neotropical inselbergs
  27. Chemical communication in springtails: a review of facts and perspectives
  28. : An iOS Application for Classifying Terrestrial Humipedons and Some Considerations about Soil Classification
  29. Humusica: Soil biodiversity and global change
  30. Humusica 1, article 1: Essential bases – Vocabulary
  31. Humusica 1, article 2: Essential bases—Functional considerations
  32. Humusica 1, article 7: Terrestrial humus systems and forms – Field practice and sampling problems
  33. Humusica 1, article 3: Essential bases – Quick look at the classification
  34. Humusica 1, article 8: Terrestrial humus systems and forms – Biological activity and soil aggregates, space-time dynamics
  35. Humusica 2, Article 14: Anthropogenic soils and humus systems, comparing classification systems
  36. Humusica 2, Article 15: Agro humus systems and forms
  37. Humusica 1, Article 6: Terrestrial humus systems and forms – Hydro intergrades
  38. Humusica 2, article 11: Histic humus systems and forms–Epihisto intergrades and dynamics
  39. Humusica 2, article 12: Aqueous humipedons – Tidal and subtidal humus systems and forms
  40. Humusica 2, Article 9: Histic humus systems and forms—Specific terms, diagnostic horizons and overview
  41. Humusica 2, article 10: Histic humus systems and forms – Key of classification
  42. Humusica 2, article 16: Techno humus systems and recycling of waste
  43. Humusica 2, article 18: Techno humus systems and global change – Greenhouse effect, soil and agriculture
  44. Humusica 2, article 13: Para humus systems and forms
  45. Humusica 2, article 17: techno humus systems and global change − three crucial questions
  46. Humusica 2, article 19: Techno humus systems and global change–conservation agriculture and 4/1000 proposal
  47. Humusica 1, article 5: Terrestrial humus systems and forms — Keys of classification of humus systems and forms
  48. Humusica 1, article 4: Terrestrial humus systems and forms — Specific terms and diagnostic horizons
  49. The ‘terril’ effect: Coal mine spoil tips select for collembolan functional traits in post-mining landscapes of northern France
  50. Microscopy in addition to chemical analyses and ecotoxicological assays for the environmental hazard assessment of coal tar-polluted soils
  51. Ancestrality and evolution of trait syndromes in finches (Fringillidae)
  52. Environmental hazard assessment by the Ecoscore system to discriminate PAH-polluted soils
  53. Hierarchy and Complexity
  54. From inselberg to inselberg: Floristic patterns across scales in French Guiana (South America)
  55. Soil Macrofaunal Communities are Heterogeneous in Heathlands with Different Grazing Intensity
  56. Collembolan preferences for soil and microclimate in forest and pasture communities
  57. The soil as an ecosystem
  58. A Thesaurus for Soil Invertebrate Trait-Based Approaches
  59. Foraging patterns of soil springtails are impacted by food resources
  60. Linking species, traits and habitat characteristics of Collembola at European scale
  61. A new method to measure allyl isothiocyanate (AITC) concentrations in mustard—Comparison of AITC and commercial mustard solutions as earthworm extractants
  62. The impact of parent material, climate, soil type and vegetation on Venetian forest humus forms: A direct gradient approach
  63. Current use of and future needs for soil invertebrate functional traits in community ecology
  64. Effect of habitat spatiotemporal structure on collembolan diversity
  65. More Philosophy Makes Better Science
  66. Reduction of pesticide use can increase earthworm populations in wheat crops in a European temperate region
  67. The impact of agricultural practices on soil biota: A regional study
  68. Species living in harsh environments have low clade rank and are localized on former Laurasian continents: a case study ofWillemia(Collembola)
  69. Spatial and taxonomic correlates of species and species trait assemblages in soil invertebrate communities
  70. Crop genetic diversity benefits farmland biodiversity in cultivated fields
  71. Disturbances, organisms and ecosystems: a global change perspective
  72. Plant–soil feedbacks mediated by humus forms: A review
  73. A proposal for including humus forms in the World Reference Base for Soil Resources (WRB-FAO)
  74. Monkey and dung beetle activities influence soil seed bank structure
  75. Species traits and habitats in springtail communities: A regional scale study
  76. Metal immobilization and soil amendment efficiency at a contaminated sediment landfill site: A field study focusing on plants, springtails, and bacteria
  77. Influence of the spatial variability of soil type and tree colonization on the dynamics of Molinia caerulea (L.) Moench in managed heathland
  78. Comparison of a bioremediation process of PAHs in a PAH-contaminated soil at field and laboratory scales
  79. Early degradation of plant alkanes in soils: A litterbag experiment using 13C-labelled leaves
  80. Comparison of solid and liquid-phase bioassays using ecoscores to assess contaminated soils
  81. A European morpho-functional classification of humus forms
  82. Does moder development along a pure beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) chronosequence result from changes in litter production or in decomposition rates?
  83. Geology and climate conditions affect more humus forms than forest canopies at large scale in temperate forests
  84. Stability of plant communities along a tropical inselberg ecotone in French Guiana (South America)
  85. Comparison of solid-phase bioassays and ecoscores to evaluate the toxicity of contaminated soils
  86. Assessment of movement patterns in Folsomia candida (Hexapoda: Collembola) in the presence of food
  87. Local and regional trends in the ground vegetation of beech forests
  88. Decreasing fallow duration in tropical slash-and-burn agriculture alters soil macroinvertebrate diversity: A case study in southern French Guiana
  89. The impact of red howler monkey latrines on the distribution of main nutrients and on topsoil profiles in a tropical rain forest
  90. A 10-year decrease in plant species richness on a neotropical inselberg: detrimental effects of global warming?
  91. Does the invasive species Reynoutria japonica have an impact on soil and flora in urban wastelands?
  92. Experimental assessment of habitat preference and dispersal ability of soil springtails
  93. Tree influence on soil biological activity: What can be inferred from the optical examination of humus profiles?
  94. The latrine effect: impact of howler monkeys on the distribution of small seeds in a tropical rain-forest soil
  95. Nested variation of soil arthropod communities in isolated patches of vegetation on a rocky outcrop
  96. Effets des amendements sur le fonctionnement biologique des sols forestiers : mieux comprendre le rôle de la méso- et de la macrofaune dans l’évolution des humus
  97. Successional patterns on tropical inselbergs: A case study on the Nouragues inselberg (French Guiana)
  98. Topsoil as Affected by Dung Deposition Under Resting Places of Red Howler Monkey (Alouatta seniculus
  99. Humus profiles and successional development in a rock savanna (Nouragues inselberg, French Guiana): A micro-morphological approach infers fire as a disturbance event
  100. Opposite responses of vascular plant and moss communities to changes in humus form, as expressed by the Humus Index
  101. Litter N-content influences soil millipede abundance, species richness and feeding preferences in a semi-evergreen dry forest of Guadeloupe (Lesser Antilles)
  102. Short-term responses of two collembolan communities after abrupt environmental perturbation: A field experimental approach
  103. Humus Components and Soil Biogenic Structures in Norway Spruce Ecosystems
  104. Formol et fixation : nouvelle donne, nouvelles approches…
  105. Humus structure during a spruce forest rotation: quantitative changes and relationship to soil biota
  106. Soil fauna abundance and diversity in a secondary semi-evergreen forest in Guadeloupe (Lesser Antilles): influence of soil type and dominant tree species
  107. Humus profiles under main vegetation types in a rock savanna (Nouragues inselberg, French Guiana)
  108. Biological Diversity and Function in Soils - Edited by R.D. Bardgett, M.B. Usher & D.W. Hopkins
  109. Humus Index as an indicator of forest stand and soil properties
  110. An optical analysis of the organic soil over an old petroleum tar deposit
  111. Use of an avoidance test for the assessment of microbial degradation of PAHs
  112. Ingestion of charcoal by the Amazonian earthworm Pontoscolex corethrurus: A potential for tropical soil fertility
  113. Changes in Collembola richness and diversity along a gradient of land-use intensity: A pan European study
  114. Decreased biodiversity in soil springtail communities: the importance of dispersal and landuse history in heterogeneous landscapes
  115. Humus components and biogenic structures under tropical slash-and-burn agriculture
  116. Avoidance bio-assays may help to test the ecological significance of soil pollution
  117. The use of directional traps for the assessment of short-term phenanthrene effects upon soil springtail communities
  118. Avoidance of low doses of naphthalene by Collembola
  119. Fungal Communities
  120. Emergent properties from organisms to ecosystems: towards a realistic approach
  121. Earthworms and collembola relationships: effects of predatory centipedes and humus forms
  122. Charcoal consumption and casting activity by Pontoscolex corethrurus (Glossoscolecidae)
  123. Small-scale response of plant species to land-use intensification
  124. Species assemblages and diets of Collembola in the organic matter accumulated over an old tar deposit
  125. Manioc peel and charcoal: a potential organic amendment for sustainable soil fertility in the tropics
  126. Origin of the nitrogen assimilated by soil fauna living in decomposing beech litter
  127. Soil invertebrate activity in biological crusts on tropical inselbergs
  128. Are acid-tolerant Collembola able to colonise metal-polluted soil?
  129. Acid-tolerant Collembola cannot colonize metal-polluted soils at neutral pH
  130. Soil arthropods in a developmental succession on the Nouragues inselberg (French Guiana)
  131. New Pigments from the Terrestrial CyanobacteriumScytonemasp. Collected on the Mitaraka Inselberg, French Guyana
  132. Effects of Earthworms on Soil Organic Matter and Nutrient Dynamics at a Landscape Scale over Decades
  133. Climatic effects on soil trophic networks and the resulting humus profiles in holm oak (Quercus rotundifolia) forests in the High Atlas of Morocco as revealed by correspondence analysis
  134. Fungal colonization of phyllosphere and litter of Quercus rotundifolia Lam. in a holm oak forest (High Atlas, Morocco)
  135. Soil animal communities in holm oak forests: influence of horizon, altitude and year
  136. Burrowing activity of the geophagous earthworm Pontoscolex corethrurus (Oligochaeta: Glossoscolecidae) in the presence of charcoal
  137. Humus forms in terrestrial ecosystems: a framework to biodiversity
  138. Collembolan communities as bioindicators of land use intensification
  139. Shrub vegetation on tropical granitic inselbergs in French Guiana
  140. Humus forms in two secondary semi-evergreen tropical forests
  141. Changes in species assemblages and diets of Collembola along a gradient of metal pollution
  142. Shrub vegetation on tropical granitic inselbergs in French Guiana
  143. Humus forms and metal pollution in soil
  144. Humus Index
  145. Ionic identity of pore water influences pH preference in Collembola
  146. Effect of organic manure and the endogeic earthworm Pontoscolex corethrurus (Oligochaeta: Glossoscolecidae) on soil fertility and bean production
  147. Colonization of heavy metal-polluted soils by collembola: preliminary experiments in compartmented boxes
  148. Leaf decomposition in two semi-evergreen tropical forests: influence of litter quality
  149. Interaction between humus form and herbicide toxicity to Collembola (Hexapoda)
  150. Influence of ground cover on earthworm communities in an unmanaged beech forest: linear gradient studies
  151. The influence of altitude on the distribution of subterranean organs and humus components inVaccinium myrtilluscarpets
  152. Effects of some physical factors and agricultural practices on Collembola in a multiple cropping programme in West Bengal (India)
  153. The influence of altitude on the distribution of subterranean organs and humus components in Vaccinium myrtillus carpets
  154. Earthworm excreta attract soil springtails: laboratory experiments on Heteromurus Nitidus (Collembola: Entomobryidae)
  155. Humus Forms in Mediterranean Scrublands with Aleppo Pine
  156. The heterogeneity of humus components in a virgin beech forest
  157. Does soil acidity explain altitudinal sequences in collembolan communities?
  158. Changes in the composition of humus profiles near the trunk base of an oak tree (Quercus petraea (Mattus.) Liebl.)
  159. Vertical distribution of Collembola (Hexapoda) and their food resources in organic horizons of beech forests
  160. Influence of site conditions on the survival ofFagus sylvaticaseedlings in an old-growth beech forest
  161. Influence of holm oak leaf decomposition stage on the biology ofOnychiurus sinensis Stach (Collembola: Onychiuridae)
  162. Comparative leaf decomposition within the holm oak complex
  163. Comment distinguer dysmoder et mor ? L'exemple de la forêt domaniale de Perche-Trappe (Orne).
  164. Interactions between earthworms, litter and trees in an old-growth beech forest
  165. Distribution of Heteromurus nitidus (Hexapoda, Collembola) according to soil acidity: interactions with earthworms and predator pressure
  166. Horizons and Humus Forms in Beech Forests of the Belgian Ardennes
  167. Lumbricus terrestris L. distribution within an experimental humus mosaic in a mountain spruce forest
  168. Responses to light in a soil-dwelling springtail
  169. Influence of agricultural practices on arthropod communities in a vertisol (Martinique)
  170. Diversity and dynamics of eco-units in the biological reserves of the Fontainebleau Forest (France): Contribution of soil biology to a functional approach
  171. Feeding preferences of the collembolan Onychiurus sinensis for fungi colonizing holm oak litter (Quercus rotundifolia Lam.)
  172. The Forest Regeneration Puzzle
  173. Impact of earthworms on the diversity of microarthropods in a vertisol (Martinique)
  174. Growth ofFagus sylvaticasaplings in an old-growth forest as affected by soil and light conditions
  175. Soil fauna and site assessment in beech stands of the Belgian Ardennes
  176. Establishment ofFagus sylvaticaandFraxinus excelsiorin an old-growth beech forest
  177. Soil fauna and site assessment in beech stands of the Belgian Ardennes
  178. Dynamics ofVaccinium myrtilluspatches in mountain spruce forest
  179. The heterogeneity of humus profiles and earthworm communities in a virgin beech forest
  180. Classification of forest humus forms: a French proposal
  181. Humus form dynamics during the sylvogenetic cycle in a mountain spruce forest
  182. La régénération naturelle : connaissances actuelles. le cas de l'épicéa en forêt de macot (Savoie)
  183. Une classification morphologique et fonctionnelle des formes d'humus. propositions du référentiel pédologique 1992
  184. Comparative study of soil organic layers in two bilberry-spruce forest stands (Vaccinio-Piceetea). Relation to forest dynamics
  185. Succession of fungi and fauna during decomposition of needles in a small area of Scots pine litter
  186. Reactions of the Macrofauna of a Forest Mull to Experimental Perturbations of Litter Supply
  187. Food resources and diets of soil animals in a small area of Scots pine litter
  188. Soil acidification under the crown of oak trees I. Spatial distribution
  189. Ecological study of a forest humus by observing a small volume I. Penetration of pine litter by mycorrhizal fungi
  190. Caractérisation des humus et des litières par la faune du sol. Intérêt sylvicole
  191. Identification de deux espèces de rongeurs de Guyane française, Proechimys cuvieri et Proechimys guyannensis (Echimyidae) par l’analyse des correspondances
  192. Les caractéristiques du bassin des Australopithèques (A. robustus, A. africanus et A. afarensis) sont-elles liées à une bipédie de type humain ?
  193. Primate cranium morphology through ontogenesis and phylogenesis, factorial analysis of global variation
  194. Morphogenèse du crâne des Primates : Analyse factorielle. Implications taxinomiques. Place et redéfinition du genre Homo