All Stories

  1. Why are undergraduate emerging adults anxious and avoidant in their romantic relationships? The role of family relationships
  2. Tobacco use among adolescents declined steadily and clearly throughout the 20th century.
  3. The Role of Parents in Emerging Adults’ Psychological Well-Being: A Person-Oriented Approach
  4. Self-perceived employability in Spain
  5. La participación social online y offline de estudiantes universitarios españoles
  6. Bullying Victimization Prevalence in Spanish
  7. Psychometric Properties of the Flourishing Scale and Measurement Invariance Between Two Samples of Spanish University Students
  8. Stability, change, and determinants of self-esteem during adolescence and emerging adulthood
  9. Longitudinal Analysis of the Role of Family Functioning in Substance Use
  10. Tendencias en el consumo de alcohol en los adolescentes escolarizados españoles a lo largo de la primera década del siglo xxi
  11. Development of emotional autonomy from adolescence to young adulthood in Spain
  12. Cross-national associations between parent and peer communication and psychological complaints
  13. Acontecimientos vitales estresantes, resiliencia y ajuste adolescente
  14. Empatía y conducta prosocial durante la adolescencia
  15. Los adolescentes españoles y sus familias: calidad en la comunicación con el padre y con la madre y conductas de riesgo relacionadas con el consumo de sustancias adictivas
  16. Vínculos de apego con los padres y relaciones con los iguales durante la adolescencia