All Stories

  1. Buddhist Entrepreneurs Improving Communities
  2. A bruttó nemzeti boldogság (GNH) alkalmazása Magyarországon, a József Attila-lakótelepen
  3. Wellbeing policies in case of Bhutan, Costa Rica, New Zealand, and Amsterdam
  4. Buddhist Values for Creating Mindful Markets
  5. The Value Orientations of Buddhist and Christian Entrepreneurs
  6. The introduction of the book: The Value Orientations of Buddhist and Christian Entrepreneurs.
  7. The basic concepts, applied in the book
  8. The history and the basic concepts of business spirituality
  9. The relevant Buddhist values for business
  10. The relevant Christian values for business
  11. A Comparative Analysis of Buddhist and Christian Value Orientations in Business
  12. Spirituality and Materialism in Business
  13. Business Practices that are inspired and originates frm spiritual value commitment
  14. The concluding chapter of the book
  15. Buddhism and non-violent economics
  16. The Role of Spirituality in Business Enterprises and Community Economy - in Hungarian
  17. How Buddhist and Christian entrepreneurs realize caring
  18. The case of an ethical fashion retail store (MrSale)
  19. Why do we need contemplative approaches in economics and management? Introduction to the special section
  20. The Most Important Spiritual Values for Buddhist and Catholic Entrepreneurs (in Hungary)
  21. Not Only Mindfulness, but also Non-Violence are Necessary in Business
  22. Non-violence and Peace in Business
  23. Book review - Soulful Corporations (S. Shah and V.E. Ramamoorthy, Springer)
  24. The Place of Nature and the Interpretation of Sustainability in Buddhism
  25. The Buddhist approach of economics and management
  26. Keresztény és buddhista vállalkozók összehasonlítása Christian and Buddhist entrepreneurs