All Stories

  1. Maximizing productivity through effective workforce management
  2. When should shelf stocking be done at night? A workforce management optimization approach for retailers
  3. Exploring sustainable workforce management: Trends, solution approaches, and practices
  4. Robust Optimization Model Solving an Annual Multiskilled Staffing Problem for Retail Industry
  5. Multiskilled personnel assignment with k-chaining considering the learning-forgetting phenomena
  6. Annualized Hours, Multiskilling, and Overtime on Annual Staffing Problem: A Two-Stage Stochastic Approach
  7. Planning Annualized Hours with Flexible Contracts
  8. Solving a staffing problem with annualized hours, multiskilling with 2-chaining, and overtime: A retail industry case
  9. Multiskilled personnel assignment problem under uncertain demand: A benchmarking analysis
  10. Influence Of Academic Education Imparted In Basic Sciences On The Scientific Reasoning Skills Of Engineering Students
  11. A two-stage stochastic optimization model for the retail multiskilled personnel scheduling problem: a k-chaining policy with $k \ge 2$
  12. Benefits of Multiskilling in the Retail Industry: k-Chaining Approach with Uncertain Demand
  13. Impact of Labor Productivity and Multiskilling on Staff Management: A Retail Industry Case
  14. Two-Stage Stochastic Optimization Model for Personnel Days-off Scheduling Using Closed-Chained Multiskilling Structures
  15. Using the k-Chaining Approach to Solve a Stochastic Days-Off-Scheduling Problem in a Retail Store
  16. Efficient shift scheduling with multiple breaks for full-time employees: A retail industry case
  17. Dataset for solving a hybrid flexibility strategy on personnel scheduling problem in the retail industry
  18. Developing an urban bikeability index for different types of cyclists as a tool to prioritise bicycle infrastructure investments
  19. Urban walkability considering pedestrians’ perceptions of the built environment: a 10-year review and a case study in a medium-sized city in Latin America
  20. Hybrid flexibility strategy on personnel scheduling: Retail case study
  21. Multiskilled workforce management by utilizing closed chains under uncertain demand: A retail industry case
  22. Real-time recovering strategies on personnel scheduling in the retail industry
  23. Multiskilling with closed chains in a service industry: A robust optimization approach
  24. Programación simultánea de buses y conductores: caso de estudio en Transantiago, Chile
  25. The impact of multi-skilling on personnel scheduling in the service sector: a retail industry case
  26. Diseño de una fuerza laboral polifuncional para el sector servicios :caso aplicado a la industria del retail