All Stories

  1. A Step towards Integrating CMORPH Precipitation Estimation with Rain Gauge Measurements
  2. ARPS Simulations of Convection during TOMACS
  3. Effects of Explicit Urban-Canopy Representation on Local Circulations Above a Tropical Mega-City
  4. Operational Hydrometeorological Forecast System for Espírito Santo State, Brazil
  5. Estimativa do fluxo de calor no solo a partir da temperatura do solo em São Paulo, SP
  6. Ultraviolet solar radiation in the tropical central Andes (12.0°S)
  7. Estimation of long term low resolution surface urban heat island intensities for tropical cities using MODIS remote sensing data
  8. Dynamic Modelling of Dengue Epidemics in Function of Available Enthalpy and Rainfall
  9. Severe Weather Caused by Heat Island and Sea Breeze Effects in the Metropolitan Area of São Paulo, Brazil
  10. Análise da escassez hídrica brasileira em 2014
  11. Estimation of atmospheric turbidity and surface radiative parameters using broadband clear sky solar irradiance models in Rio de Janeiro-Brasil
  12. Convective Rainfall in Amazonia and Adjacent Tropics
  13. Water Demand Forecasting Model for the Metropolitan Area of São Paulo, Brazil
  14. Convective Rainfall Systems in the La Plata Basin
  15. Energy Balance in a Patch of the Atlantic Forest in São Paulo City, Brazil
  16. Ensemble Hydrometeorological Forecasts Using WRF Hourly QPF and TopModel for a Middle Watershed
  17. Evidence for cosmic ray modulation in temperature records from the South Atlantic Magnetic Anomaly region
  18. Previsão de chuva a curtíssimo prazo na área de abrangência do radar meteorológico de São Paulo
  19. Análise de desempenho de índices de instabilidade atmosférica na previsão de fenômenos convectivos de mesoescala na região metropolitana de São Paulo entre 28 de janeiro e 04 de fevereiro de 2004
  20. New perspectives on the synoptic and mesoscale structure of Hurricane Catarina
  21. Satellite Rainfall Estimates Over South America - Possible Applicability to the Water Management of Large Watersheds1
  22. Formulation of a tropical town energy budget (t-TEB) scheme
  23. Climate perspective on the large-scale circulation associated with the transition of the first South Atlantic hurricane
  24. Modeling a densely urbanized watershed with an artificial neural network, weather radar and telemetric data
  25. Multisensor analysis of a squall line in the Amazon Region
  26. Measurements of drop size distribution in the southwestern Amazon basin
  27. Mesoscale Precipitation Fields. Part I: Statistical Analysis and Hydrologic Response
  28. Mesoscale Precipitation Fields. Part II: Hydrometeorologic Modeling
  29. Improving WSR-88D Hourly Rainfall Estimates