All Stories

  1. Metric to measure privacy risk associated to visit a website
  2. An analysis of the evolution of mechanisms provided by Chrome web browser against web tracking.
  3. A comprehensive review of the state of the art on security and privacy issues in Healthcare
  4. A Comprehensive Model for Securing Sensitive Patient Data in a Clinical Scenario
  5. Research in Electronic and Mobile Payment Systems: A Bibliometric Analysis
  6. Improving a Virtual Campus for teaching and learning during COVID-19 and beyond guided by a digital transformation strategy
  7. Tor Hidden Services: A Systematic Literature Review
  8. Tor Hidden Services: A Systematic Literature Review
  9. Users’ Evaluation of a New Web Browser Payment Interface for Facilitating the Use of Multiple Payment Systems
  10. A novel Machine Learning-based approach for the detection of SSH botnet infection
  11. A review of SSH botnet detection in initial stages of infection: a Machine Learning-based approach
  12. Enhancing Check-Reinforce Introduction With a Class Response System: The C2RI Method - A Five-Year Study
  13. Users Supporting Multiple (Mobile) Electronic Payment Systems in Online Purchases: An Empirical Study of Their Payment Transaction Preferences
  14. A Privacy Web Scanner that shows end-users privacy risks when accessing to a website.
  15. Quality Criteria for Cyber Security MOOCs
  16. CyberDect. A Novel Approach for Cyberbullying Detection on Twitter
  17. Electronic Payment Frameworks
  18. Workload Distribution for Supporting Anonymous Communications in Automotive Network
  19. A m-learning experience based on the use of an app created with AppInventor
  20. Systematic literature review on the state of the art and future research work in ACS
  21. Extensions to the SIP protocol to support any payment system
  22. Feature-based opinion mining in financial news: An ontology-driven approach
  23. Comparison of different open source tools for creating educational apps easly
  24. Towards a web payment framework: State-of-the-art and challenges
  25. ONLI: An ontology-based system for querying DBpedia using natural language paradigm
  26. Privacy enhancement in anonymous network
  27. Security in Computing and Communications
  28. Architectures and Protocols for Secure Information Technology Infrastructures
  29. KAMU: providing advanced user privacy in Kerberos multi-domain scenarios
  30. Teaching Advanced Concepts in Computer Networks: VNUML-UM Virtualization Tool
  31. SIPmsign is a new mobile signature service that is based on SIP.
  32. A survey on the different tools that we could use to preserve our privacy in Web communications
  33. A lightweight payment scheme for real-time services based on SIP
  34. payment framework
  35. mobile signature service
  36. An advanced certificate validation service and architecture based on XKMS
  37. Design and implementation of a generic per‐fee‐link framework
  38. ACVS: An Advanced Certificate Validation Service in Service-Oriented Architectures
  39. Towards a Generic Payment Framework for Internet Media-on-Demand Services Based on RTSP
  40. Smartcard-Based e-Coin for Electronic Payments on the (Mobile) Internet
  41. Designing a Generic Collaborative Working Environment
  42. SIP extensions to support (micro)payments
  43. Towards a generic per-fee-link framework
  44. A Payment Framework for Internet Media-on-Demand Services based on RTSP
  45. A new fair non-repudiation protocol for secure negotiation and contract signing
  46. An electronic Signature Infrastructure for mobile Devices
  47. SPEED Protocol: Smartcard-Based Payment with Encrypted Electronic Delivery
  48. Interoperability in the Building of Next Generation of Collaborative Working Environments
  49. Mobile Signature Solutions for Guaranteeing Non-Repudiation in Mobile Business and Mobile Commerce
  50. Payment Annotations for Web Service Description Language (PA-WSDL)
  51. Advanced certificate validation service for secure Service-Oriented Architectures
  52. Electronic Payment Frameworks