All Stories

  1. Semantic memory navigation in HIV: Conceptual associations and word selection patterns
  2. Toolkit to Examine Lifelike Language v.2.0: Optimizing Speech Biomarkers of Neurodegeneration
  3. Brain clocks capture diversity and disparities in aging and dementia across geographically diverse populations
  4. Educational disparities in brain health and dementia across Latin America and the United States
  5. Brain health in diverse settings: How age, demographics and cognition shape brain function
  6. Automated free speech analysis reveals distinct markers of Alzheimer’s and frontotemporal dementia
  7. Advancements in dementia research, diagnostics, and care in Latin America: Highlights from the 2023 Alzheimer's Association International conference satellite symposium in Mexico City
  8. Embodied cognition comes of age: A processing advantage for action words is modulated by aging and the task.
  9. Switching off: disruptive TMS reveals distinct contributions of the posterior middle temporal gyrus and angular gyrus to bilingual speech production
  10. Bilinguals on the footbridge: the role of foreign-language proficiency in moral decision making
  11. Discriminating nonfluent/agrammatic and logopenic PPA variants with automatically extracted morphosyntactic measures from connected speech
  12. Exposure to armed conflict and monitoring as predictors of aggression in a population immersed in a long‐term conflict
  13. How clinical decision tasks modulate emotional related EEG responses in nursing students
  14. Decoding bilingualism from resting‐state oscillatory network organization
  15. More than a piece of cake: Noun classifier processing in primary progressive aphasia
  16. Neurocognitive correlates of semantic memory navigation in Parkinson’s disease
  17. Electrophysiological alterations during action semantic processing in Parkinson’s disease
  18. Cognitive translation and interpreting studies in the early twenty first century
  19. Cognitive Translation and Interpreting Studies in the Early Twenty First Century
  20. The BrainLat project, a multimodal neuroimaging dataset of neurodegeneration from underrepresented backgrounds
  21. Multivariate word properties in fluency tasks reveal markers of Alzheimer's dementia
  22. Neural basis of speech and grammar symptoms in non-fluent variant primary progressive aphasia spectrum
  23. Toolkit to Examine Lifelike Language (TELL): An app to capture speech and language markers of neurodegeneration
  24. Impaired social concept processing in persons with autistic-like traits
  25. The embodied typist: Bimanual actions are modulated by words’ implied motility and number of evoked limbs
  26. Allostatic-interoceptive anticipation of social rejection
  27. Speech and language markers of neurodegeneration: a call for global equity
  28. Social and non-social working memory in neurodegeneration
  29. Editorial: What can we make of theories of embodiment and the role of the human mirror neuron system? An enduring, ever larger question
  30. Patterns of hemispheric compromise in primary progressive apraxia of speech: From clinical profiling to differential diagnosis
  31. Emotional descriptions increase accidental harm punishment and its cortico-limbic signatures during moral judgment in autism
  32. Interlingual reformulation as a window into the bilingual brain
  33. Classification of Alzheimer's disease and frontotemporal dementia using routine clinical and cognitive measures across multicentric underrepresented samples: A cross sectional observational study
  34. Social concepts and the cerebellum: behavioural and functional connectivity signatures in cerebellar ataxic patients
  35. Detecting Parkinson’s disease and its cognitive phenotypes via automated semantic analyses of action stories
  36. Body into Narrative: Behavioral and Neurophysiological Signatures of Action Text Processing After Ecological Motor Training
  37. On the replicability of action-verb deficits in Parkinson’s disease
  38. Alzheimer's Detection from English to Spanish Using Acoustic and Linguistic Embeddings
  39. Multi-feature computational framework for combined signatures of dementia in underrepresented settings
  40. Does culture shape our understanding of others’ thoughts and emotions? An investigation across 12 countries.
  41. Auditory Verb Generation Performance Patterns Dissociate Variants of Primary Progressive Aphasia
  42. Natural language signatures of psilocybin microdosing
  43. Automated Detection of Speech Timing Alterations in Autopsy-Confirmed Non-fluent/agrammatic Variant Primary Progressive Aphasia
  44. Decoding motor expertise from fine‐tuned oscillatory network organization
  45. Multidimensional inhibitory signatures of sentential negation in behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia
  46. Editorial: The Unusual Suspects: Linguistic Deficits in Non-Language-Dominant Neurodegenerative Diseases
  47. An action-concept processing advantage in a patient with a double motor cortex
  48. Allostatic interoceptive overload in frontotemporal dementia
  49. The Bilingual Lexicon, Back and Forth: Electrophysiological Signatures of Translation Asymmetry
  50. Automated text‐level semantic markers of Alzheimer's disease
  51. The Unusual Suspects: Linguistic Deficits in Non-Language-Dominant Neurodegenerative Diseases
  52. Multimodal Neurocognitive Markers of Naturalistic Discourse Typify Diverse Neurodegenerative Diseases
  53. Speech and language impairments in behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia: A systematic review
  54. Reply to: “Does Cognitive Impairment Influence Motor Speech Performance in De Novo Parkinson's Disease”
  55. A pre-registered, multi-lab non-replication of the action-sentence compatibility effect (ACE)
  56. Structural and functional motor-network disruptions predict selective action-concept deficits: Evidence from frontal lobe epilepsy
  57. Discourse-Level Information Recall in Early and Late Bilinguals: Evidence From Single-Language and Cross-Linguistic Tasks
  58. Multimodal mechanisms of human socially reinforced learning across neurodegenerative diseases
  59. Predicting and Characterizing Neurodegenerative Subtypes with Multimodal Neurocognitive Signatures of Social and Cognitive Processes
  60. Cognitive Determinants of Dysarthria in Parkinson's Disease: An Automated Machine Learning Approach
  61. Language in Behavioral Variant Frontotemporal Dementia: Another Stone to Be Turned in Latin America
  62. Empathy deficits and their behavioral, neuroanatomical, and functional connectivity correlates in smoked cocaine users
  63. Multimodal neurocognitive markers of frontal lobe epilepsy: Insights from ecological text processing
  64. Rekindling Action Language: A Neuromodulatory Study on Parkinson’s Disease Patients
  65. Tears evoke the intention to offer social support: A systematic investigation of the interpersonal effects of emotional crying across 41 countries
  66. The Neural Blending of Words and Movement: Event-Related Potential Signatures of Semantic and Action Processes during Motor–Language Coupling
  67. Interoception Primes Emotional Processing: Multimodal Evidence from Neurodegeneration
  68. Metacognition of emotion recognition across neurodegenerative diseases
  69. The Multi-Partner Consortium to Expand Dementia Research in Latin America (ReDLat): Driving Multicentric Research and Implementation Science
  70. Dynamic brain fluctuations outperform connectivity measures and mirror pathophysiological profiles across dementia subtypes: A multicenter study
  71. Behavioral and neurophysiological signatures of interoceptive enhancements following vagus nerve stimulation
  72. Classifying Parkinson’s Disease Patients With Syntactic and Socio-emotional Verbal Measures
  73. Dementia in Latin America: Paving the way toward a regional action plan
  74. From dawn to dusk
  75. Electrifying discourse: Anodal tDCS of the primary motor cortex selectively reduces action appraisal in naturalistic narratives
  76. From discourse to pathology: Automatic identification of Parkinson's disease patients via morphological measures across three languages
  77. The impact of legal expertise on moral decision-making biases
  78. How words ripple through bilingual hands: Motor-language coupling during L1 and L2 writing
  79. Multicentric evidence of emotional impairments in hypertensive heart disease
  80. Motor-system dynamics during naturalistic reading of action narratives in first and second language
  81. Semantic and attentional networks in bilingual processing: fMRI connectivity signatures of translation directionality
  82. Dynamic neurocognitive changes in interoception after heart transplant
  83. Neurocognitive signatures of phonemic sequencing in expert backward speakers
  84. Time to Face Language: Embodied Mechanisms Underpin the Inception of Face-Related Meanings in the Human Brain
  85. Neurocognitive mechanisms underlying working memory encoding and retrieval in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
  86. A multidimensional and multi-feature framework for cardiac interoception
  87. Task-specific signatures in the expert brain: Differential correlates of translation and reading in professional interpreters
  88. The unique social sense of puerperium: Increased empathy and Schadenfreude in parents of newborns
  89. Neurocognitive reorganization of emotional processing following a socio-cognitive intervention in Colombian ex-combatants
  90. Too late to be grounded? Motor resonance for action words acquired after middle childhood
  91. Neurodegenerative Disorders of Speech and Language: Language-Dominant Diseases
  92. Neurodegenerative Disorders of Speech and Language: Non-language-dominant Diseases
  93. Robust automated computational approach for classifying frontotemporal neurodegeneration: Multimodal/multicenter neuroimaging
  94. Fatigue in multiple sclerosis is associated with multimodal interoceptive abnormalities
  95. Revista Integración & Comercio: Año 23: No. 45: Diciembre 2019: El nuevo factor del comercio: Aportes de la economía del comportamiento y la opinión pública a la integración de América Latina y el Caribe
  96. Explicit and implicit monitoring in neurodegeneration and stroke
  97. Systemic functional grammar as a tool for experimental stimulus design: new appliable horizons in psycholinguistics and neurolinguistics
  98. How meaning unfolds in neural time: Embodied reactivations can precede multimodal semantic effects during language processing
  99. The Embodied Penman: Effector‐Specific Motor–Language Integration During Handwriting
  100. The Translation and Interpreting Competence Questionnaire: an online tool for research on translators and interpreters
  101. Researching the invisible: multi-methodological developments in cognitive translatology
  102. The Neurocognition of Translation and Interpreting
  103. More than words: Social cognition across variants of primary progressive aphasia
  104. Consistent Gradient of Performance and Decoding of Stimulus Type and Valence From Local and Network Activity
  105. Rethinking the Neural Basis of Prosody and Non-literal Language: Spared Pragmatics and Cognitive Compensation in a Bilingual With Extensive Right-Hemisphere Damage
  106. Out of Context, Beyond the Face: Neuroanatomical Pathways of Emotional Face-Body Language Integration in Adolescent Offenders
  107. Taxing the bilingual mind: Effects of simultaneous interpreting experience on verbal and executive mechanisms
  108. Reading Shakespearean tropes in a foreign tongue: Age of L2 acquisition modulates neural responses to functional shifts
  109. Negation markers inhibit motor routines during typing of manual action verbs
  110. Grounding translation and interpreting in the brain: what has been, can be, and must be done
  111. Commentary: Cerebellar atrophy and its contribution to cognition in frontotemporal dementias
  112. Core Semantic Links or Lexical Associations: Assessing the Nature of Responses in Word Association Tasks
  113. Altered neural signatures of interoception in multiple sclerosis
  114. Progressive Compromise of Nouns and Action Verbs in Posterior Cortical Atrophy
  115. Increased moral condemnation of accidental harm in institutionalized adolescents
  116. Weighted Symbolic Dependence Metric (wSDM) for fMRI resting-state connectivity: A multicentric validation for frontotemporal dementia
  117. Action Semantics at the Bottom of the Brain: Insights From Dysplastic Cerebellar Gangliocytoma
  118. Bilingual memory, to the extreme: Lexical processing in simultaneous interpreters
  119. Editorial: Human and Animal Models for Translational Research on Neurodegeneration: Challenges and Opportunities From South America
  120. Intracranial high-γ connectivity distinguishes wakefulness from sleep
  121. Parkinson's disease compromises the appraisal of action meanings evoked by naturalistic texts
  122. When embodiment breaks down: Language deficits as novel avenues into movement disorders
  123. How Does Social Context Influence Our Brain and Behavior?
  124. Contextual Cognition
  125. Human and Animal Models for Translational Research on Neurodegeneration: Challenges and Opportunities From South America
  126. Multilevel convergence of interoceptive impairments in hypertension: New evidence of disrupted body-brain interactions
  127. A lesion model of envy and Schadenfreude: legal, deservingness and moral dimensions as revealed by neurodegeneration
  128. A moving story: Whole-body motor training selectively improves the appraisal of action meanings in naturalistic narratives
  129. Losing ground: Frontostriatal atrophy disrupts language embodiment in Parkinson’s and Huntington’s disease
  130. Corticostriatal signatures of schadenfreude: evidence from Huntington's disease
  131. Empathy for others’ suffering and its mediators in mental health professionals
  132. Attention, in and Out: Scalp-Level and Intracranial EEG Correlates of Interoception and Exteroception
  133. Men, women…who cares? A population-based study on sex differences and gender roles in empathy and moral cognition
  134. Towards affordable biomarkers of frontotemporal dementia: A classification study via network’s information sharing
  135. Enhanced Working Memory Binding by Direct Electrical Stimulation of the Parietal Cortex
  136. Time-order-errors and duration ranges in the Episodic Temporal Generalization task
  137. Outcome-oriented moral evaluation in terrorists
  138. Unspeakable motion: Selective action-verb impairments in Parkinson’s disease patients without mild cognitive impairment
  139. The inner world of overactive monitoring: neural markers of interoception in obsessive–compulsive disorder
  140. Action-semantic and syntactic deficits in subjects at risk for Huntington's disease
  141. Edna Andrews, Neuroscience and Multilingualism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014. Pp. xiv + 254 pp. ISBN 978-1-107-03655-0
  142. Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation: A New Strategy in Mild Cognitive Impairment?
  143. Language Deficits as a Preclinical Window into Parkinson’s Disease: Evidence from Asymptomatic Parkin and Dardarin Mutation Carriers
  144. An unaware agenda: interictal consciousness impairments in epileptic patients
  145. A Lesion-Proof Brain? Multidimensional Sensorimotor, Cognitive, and Socio-Affective Preservation Despite Extensive Damage in a Stroke Patient
  146. Neuroscience and Social Science
  147. Moral Cognition and Moral Emotions
  148. Exploring the Borderlands of Neuroscience and Social Science
  149. Processes and verbs of doing, in the brain
  150. The Road Less Traveled: Alternative Pathways for Action-Verb Processing in Parkinson’s Disease
  151. Reply: Towards a neurocomputational account of social dysfunction in neurodegenerative disease
  152. El bilingüismo como protección ante la demencia: Inconsistencias empíricas y nuevas propuestas metodológicas
  154. The cerebellum and embodied semantics: evidence from a case of genetic ataxia due to STUB1 mutations
  155. How language flows when movements don’t: An automated analysis of spontaneous discourse in Parkinson’s disease
  156. Feeling, learning from and being aware of inner states: interoceptive dimensions in neurodegeneration and stroke
  157. Your perspective and my benefit: multiple lesion models of self-other integration strategies during social bargaining
  158. Variability in functional brain networks predicts expertise during action observation
  159. First Symptoms and Neurocognitive Correlates of Behavioral Variant Frontotemporal Dementia
  160. Behavioral and Electrophysiological Correlates of Memory Binding Deficits in Patients at Different Risk Levels for Alzheimer’s Disease
  161. Your misery is no longer my pleasure: Reduced schadenfreude in Huntington’s disease families
  162. Erratum to: The Overt Pronoun Constraint Across Three Dialects of Spanish
  163. A touch with words: Dynamic synergies between manual actions and language
  164. The Overt Pronoun Constraint Across Three Dialects of Spanish
  165. Hands typing what hands do: Action–semantic integration dynamics throughout written verb production
  166. The Impact of Bilingualism on Working Memory: A Null Effect on the Whole May Not Be So on the Parts
  167. Bilingualism and Cognitive Reserve: A Critical Overview and a Plea for Methodological Innovations
  168. The Social Context Network Model in Psychiatric and Neurological Diseases
  169. Commentary: Attentional control and the self: The Self-Attention Network (SAN)
  170. Psycholinguistic explorations of lexical translation equivalents
  171. Syntax, action verbs, action semantics, and object semantics in Parkinson's disease: Dissociability, progression, and executive influences
  172. A connectionist approach to functional-cognitive linguistics: Spanish pronominal clitics and verb endings in relational-network terms
  173. Cortical dynamics and subcortical signatures of motor-language coupling in Parkinson’s disease
  174. Impairments in negative emotion recognition and empathy for pain in Huntington's disease families
  175. Translating with an Injured Brain: Neurolinguistic Aspects of Translation as Revealed by Bilinguals with Cerebral Lesions
  176. The interpreter advantage hypothesis
  177. Word reading and translation in bilinguals: the impact of formal and informal translation expertise
  178. Two-Person Neuroscience and Naturalistic Social Communication: The Role of Language and Linguistic Variables in Brain-Coupling Research
  179. Motor–Language Coupling in Huntington’s Disease Families
  180. How embodied is action language? Neurological evidence from motor diseases
  181. Neurocognitive determinants of performance variability among world-language users
  182. Words in motion: Motor-language coupling in Parkinson’s disease
  183. Relational Network Theory as a bridge between linguistics and neuroscience: An interview with Professor Sydney Lamb
  184. Brain activity during translation: A review of the neuroimaging evidence as a testing ground for clinically-based hypotheses
  185. Methodological Tenets, Plausibility and Reality in Chomskyan Biolinguistics
  186. Transitividad, modo y tema en español: Un primer análisis en términos de la gramática de Cardiff
  187. An interdisciplinary approach to neuropsychological test construction: Perspectives from translation studies
  188. The Circumscribed Infinites Scheme (CIS)