All Stories

  1. Associations Between PrEP Stigma, PrEP Confidence, and PrEP Adherence: Conditional Indirect Effects of Anticipated HIV Stigma
  2. Development and validation of the mpox stigma scale (MSS) and mpox knowledge scale (MKS)
  3. HIV and intersectional stigma among people living with HIV and healthcare workers and antiretroviral therapy adherence in the Dominican Republic
  4. A Moderated Mediation Analysis of HIV and Intersectional Stigmas and Antiretroviral Adherence in People Living with HIV in the Dominican Republic
  5. Adolescent Youth Survey on HIV Prevention in Alabama: Protocol for Community and Online Survey with Bot Detection and Fraud Screening. (Preprint)
  6. Longitudinal Associations of Experienced and Perceived Community Stigma with ART Adherence and Viral Suppression in New-to-care People with HIV: Mediating Roles of Internalized Stigma and Depression Symptoms
  7. Resilience and Optimism as Moderators of the Negative Effects of Stigma on Women Living with HIV
  8. Living with HIV during COVID-19: knowledge and worry about COVID-19, adherence to COVID-19-related precautions, and HIV health outcomes
  9. Validation of HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Medication Scales with Youth on PrEP: PrEP Confidence Scale and PrEP Difficulties Scale
  10. The Relationship Between HIV Pre-exposure Prophylaxis Stigma and Treatment Adherence Among Current HIV Pre-exposure Prophylaxis Users in the Southeastern U.S.
  11. Development and Validation of the Youth Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Stigma Scale
  12. Evaluating the psychometric properties of the mindful eating questionnaire: Turkish validity and reliability study
  13. The Mediating Role of Social Support and Resilience Between HIV-Related Stigmas and Patient Activation Among Young Black Women Living With HIV in the Southern United States: A Cross-sectional Study
  14. Examining the Relationships Between Experienced and Anticipated Stigma in Health Care Settings, Patient–Provider Race Concordance, and Trust in Providers Among Women Living with HIV
  15. Patient Health Literacy and Communication with Providers Among Women Living with HIV: A Mixed Methods Study
  16. Disclosure Concerns and Viral Suppression in People Newly Initiating HIV Care: The Role of Internalized HIV Stigma
  17. Associations between early maladaptive schema domains of parents and their adult children: The role of defence styles
  18. The diagnostic utility of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Fourth Edition (WISC-IV) in identification of gifted children
  19. Changes in Internalized Stigma and HIV Health Outcomes in Individuals New to HIV Care: The Mediating Roles of Depression and Treatment Self-Efficacy
  20. Effects of an intervention on internalized HIV-related stigma for individuals newly entering HIV care
  21. Resilience and HIV Treatment Outcomes Among Women Living with HIV in the United States: A Mixed-Methods Analysis
  22. An Exploratory Study of Correlates of Allostatic Load in Older People Living With HIV
  23. Examining the factor structure of the WISC-IV in clinical and normal samples: a multiple-group confirmatory factor analysis
  24. Emotional and physical maltreatment, early maladaptive schemas, and internalizing disorders in adolescents: a multi-group path model of clinical and non-clinical samples
  25. Parental acceptance-rejection in the development of social anxiety in the childhood: The mediating role of automatic thoughts
  26. Investigation of Psychometric Properties of Suicide Cognitions Scale: Validity and Reliability Study
  27. Turkish adaptation of Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale-Brief Form (DERS-16)
  29. Experience of grief by cancer patients
  30. Coping with stress scale for children
  31. An interview with Prof. Gulsen Erden about immigrant children
  32. WISC-R profiles in children with ADHD