All Stories

  1. Personalized and motion-based human activity recognition with transfer learning and compressed deep learning models
  2. On the Use of a Convolutional Block Attention Module in Deep Learning-Based Human Activity Recognition with Motion Sensors
  3. On-Device Deep Learning for Mobile and Wearable Sensing Applications: A Review
  4. Application of different CNN based models to predict sleep quality
  5. Extracting Digital Biomarkers for Unobtrusive Stress State Screening from Multimodal Wearable Data
  6. Human Activity Recognition with Smart Watches Using Federated Learning
  7. Evaluation of Deep Learning Models for Smoking Recognition with Smartwatch and Smartphone Sensors
  8. Context-aware and dynamically adaptable activity recognition with smart watches: A case study on smoking
  9. DAKOTA: Sensor and Touch Screen-Based Continuous Authentication on a Mobile Banking Application
  10. DAKOTA: Continuous Authentication with Behavioral Biometrics in a Mobile Banking Application
  11. Smoking recognition with smartwatch sensors in different postures and impact of user’s height
  12. Mobile Device Identification via User Behavior Analysis
  13. Resource Usage Analysis of a Mobile Banking Application using Sensor-and-Touchscreen-Based Continuous Authentication
  14. Towards Continuous Authentication on Mobile Phones using Deep Learning Models
  15. Using behavioral biometric sensors of mobile phones for user authentication
  16. Etiket: System for tracking the contents of the packaged food products
  17. Human activity recognition with mobile phone sensors: Impact of sensors and window size
  18. ARService: A Smartphone based Crowd-Sourced Data Collection and Activity Recognition Framework
  19. SmokeSense: Online Activity Recognition Framework on Smartwatches
  20. Resource consumption analysis of online activity recognition on mobile phones and smartwatches
  21. Semantic place prediction from crowd-sensed mobile phone data
  22. Dynamic BS Topology Management for Green Next Generation HetNets: An Urban Case Study
  23. A hierarchical lazy smoking detection algorithm using smartwatch sensors
  24. Countrywide arrhythmia: emergency event detection using mobile phone data
  25. Semantic place prediction from mobile phone sensors
  26. Complex Human Activity Recognition Using Smartphone and Wrist-Worn Motion Sensors
  27. Feature Engineering for Activity Recognition from Wrist-worn Motion Sensors
  28. Resource Usage Analysis of a Sensor-based Mobile Augmented Reality Application
  29. Analysis of Movement, Orientation and Rotation-Based Sensing for Phone Placement Recognition
  30. Design of sensor-based augmented reality software (SARAS)
  31. Phone position/placement detection using accelerometer: Impact on activity recognition
  32. Towards detection of bad habits by fusing smartphone and smartwatch sensors
  33. A Survey of Online Activity Recognition Using Mobile Phones
  34. Defining a Roadmap Towards Comparative Research in Online Activity Recognition on Mobile Phones
  35. On the interdependency between multi-channel scheduling and tree-based routing for WSNs in smart grid environments
  36. Multimodal Wireless Sensor Network-Based Ambient Assisted Living in Real Homes with Multiple Residents
  37. Dynamic base station planning with power adaptation for green wireless cellular networks
  38. Fuzzy-based congestion control for wireless multimedia sensor networks
  39. Position-aware activity recognition on mobile phones
  40. User, device and orientation independent human activity recognition on mobile phones
  41. A Review and Taxonomy of Activity Recognition on Mobile Phones
  42. ARAS Human Activity Datasets in Multiple Homes with Multiple Residents
  43. SUIT: A Cross Layer Image Transport Protocol with Fuzzy Logic Based Congestion Control for Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks
  44. A smart couch design for improving the quality of life of the patients with cognitive diseases
  45. Recruitment selection strategies for crowdsourced sensing
  46. Multichannel Scheduling and Spanning Trees: Throughput–Delay Tradeoff for Fast Data Collection in Sensor Networks
  47. Design and implementation of a QoS-aware MAC protocol for Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks
  48. A survey on multi-channel communication in wireless sensor networks
  49. QoS-aware MAC protocols for wireless sensor networks: A survey
  50. MC-LMAC: A multi-channel MAC protocol for wireless sensor networks
  51. Multi-modal fall detection within the WeCare framework
  52. A robust multimodal fall detection method for ambient assisted living applications
  53. Bounded-Degree Minimum-Radius Spanning Trees for Fast Data Collection in Sensor Networks
  54. Multi-channel scheduling algorithms for fast aggregated convergecast in sensor networks
  55. Characterization of multi-channel interference
  56. Capacity analysis of interfering channels
  57. Poster Abstract: Measurements on the Efficiency of Overlapping Channels
  58. Measurements on the Efficiency of Overlapping Channels
  59. Multi-channel Support for Dense Wireless Sensor Networking