All Stories

  1. Comparison of Caspas-8, Granzyme B and Cytochrome C Apoptosis Biomarker Levels in Orthopedic Trauma Patients
  2. Total hip arthroplasty after hip joint gunshot injury.
  3. Serum Glucagon-like Peptide 1 and Vitamin D Levels
  4. Investigation of the Antibiofilm Effects of Mentha longifolia Essential Oil on Titanium and Stainless Steel Orthopedic Implant Surfaces
  5. Parameters Estimation of Orthopedic Drill
  6. mammalian target of rapamycin or sestrin 1 protein signaling have a role in bone fracture healing
  7. Scapular glenopolar angle in anterior shoulder dislocation cases
  8. Arter Tamirinde N-butil-2-siyanoakrilat (Histoakril) Kullanımı
  10. Stres Fraktürüne Nükleer Tıp Yaklaşımı
  11. MRI assessment of DDH after reduction
  12. Neutrophil to Lymphocyte Ratio May Be a Diagnostic Marker for Prosthetic Joint Infection
  13. MRI clasification in developmental dysplasia of the hip with reference to soft tissue changes /Gelisimsel kalca displazisinde yumusak doku degisiklikleri dikkate alinarak yapilan MRG siniflamasi
  14. Internet use by orthopedic and traumatology patients in Turkey
  15. Treatment of Bifocal Cyst Hydatid Involvement in Right Femur with Teicoplanin Added Bone Cement and Albendazole
  16. The effect of low dose teicoplanin-loaded acrylic bone cement on biocompatibility of bone cement