What is it about?

This article demonstrates how common the neck is involved in those suffering from dizziness, vertigo, concussion and post-concussion syndrome

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Why is it important?

This is the first prospective study to demonstrate just how common the neck pathology occurs in patients with dizziness, vertigo, BPPV and concussion.


Medical providers need to be aware that they need to assess the neck in patients with dizziness, vertigo, BPPV and concussion. This article proves that neck pathology is more often than present in these patients. If the neck is not addressed recovery may be negatively impacted and delayed.

Dr. Paul A Ullucci
Johnson & Wales

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Prevalence of cervical dysfunction in those referred for treatment of vertigo or dizziness, Physiotherapy Practice and Research, December 2023, IOS Press,
DOI: 10.3233/ppr-230760.
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