What is it about?

In order to finely and minimally invasively assess swallowing in SMA, we developed 2 complementary tools: A new questionnaire including clinical items of daily life related to swallowing was constructed and the Intra Oral Pressure Instrument (IOPI) tool was adapted in the SMA population in order to obtain pressure measurement form 3 anatomical regions involved in the oral phase of swallowing.

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Why is it important?

Swallowing function is frequently impaired in SMA patients, particularly in SMA type 1, but often incompletely assessed. Existing techniques are very often invasive and therefore difficult to apply in this population in the daily practice.


Broaden the application of this new approach across specialized neuromuscular centers and evaluate how results of evaluation can be used to better support swallowing management in this population (requirement for nasogastric tube feeding, meal preparation,…).

Charlotte Colot
Hôpital universitaire des enfants reine Fabiola

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Assessing the Swallowing Function in Children with Spinal Muscular Atrophy: An Easily Accessible and Objective Multidimensional Approach, Journal of Neuromuscular Diseases, July 2024, IOS Press,
DOI: 10.3233/jnd-240017.
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