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To examine the impact and mechanisms of the aerobics exercise on gut flora and gastrointestinal hormones in type 2 diabetes rats. Methods Adult male SD rats aged 8 weeks were divided into 5 groups at random (n = 10): a peaceful comparison group (N), a diabetic comparison group (D), a diabetic low-intensity exercise group (LD), a diabetic middle-intensity exercise group (MD), and a diabetes high-intensity exercise group. (HD). The rat groups LD, MD, and HD performed aerobic exercise five times per week for a total of 6 weeks and compared general condition, blood glucose, blood lipids, insulin, leptin, gastrin (GAS) and motilin ( MOT), gastrointestinal motility, and intestinal flora. Results The levels of insulin, leptin, total cholesterol, triglycerides, E. coli, LDL-cholesterol , LDL-cholesterol,insulin,and gastric residual rate were significantly different from group N.Conclusion: Type 2 diabetic rats have gut flora imbalance and gastrointestinal hormone changes. Aerobic exercise with different intensity can alleviate gastrointestinal hormone imbalance and intestinal flora imbalance in type 2 diabetes rats, and the impact of moderate intensity exercise is the strongest.

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Why is it important?

Type 2 diabetic rats have gut flora imbalance and gastrointestinal hormone changes. Aerobic exercise with different intensity can alleviate gastrointestinal hormone imbalance and intestinal flora imbalance in type 2 diabetes rats, and the impact of moderate intensity exercise is the strongest.


It is a great pleasure to write this article, because this article encourages more people to understand the importance of exercise for health, and ultimately provide more help for diabetes patients.

Huifeng Jing

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Effects of different intensity aerobic exercise on intestinal flora and gastrointestinal hormones in type 2 diabetic rats, Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering, June 2024, IOS Press,
DOI: 10.3233/jcm-247158.
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