What is it about?

Traverser is a method to get user's journey within the system. We considered that the ontology, in other words, the domain model with UML class diagram, provides us the world of user's journey. Traverser traces from class to class according to the association and/or inheritance and output the trails as a user's journey.

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Why is it important?

Everyone knows the importance of customer journey. However, there are less ways to construct customer journeys. We are developing the method and tool to provides customer journeys. Traverser is a method and tool to provides all possible customer journeys within the domain model (ontology) while taking into account the customer's permissions.

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Traverser: A method and a tool to extract user’s traverses within web systems from ontology, Intelligent Decision Technologies, April 2023, IOS Press,
DOI: 10.3233/idt-220225.
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