What is it about?

Politicians face a lot of aggressive questions in their political debates. They try to avoid answering them directly and shifting the attention to other positive topics instead. However, the electorate will still feel that the politicians hide away from the controversial issues and the politicians have to do something to mend this damage. One of the common strategies is the use of pronoun 'we' to identify themselves with the electorate or the political parties that they belong to. In this way, they shift the responsibilities or the rationales of some controversial actions or proposals that they are taking during the election period.

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Why is it important?

There are a lot of election strategies to win the support from the electorate and the pronoun 'we' is the most readily resource that the politicians is easy to deploy when they face the challenges in the election. Unlike metaphors or rhetorical questions, it does not take a lot of effort the politician to use pronoun 'we' to promote themselves or defend their weakness or controversial stance from the aggressive questions. Similarly, the audience also do not need to take a lot of processing effort to conceive the common ground that the policians want to establish with them in the election campaign.


While there are a lot of analysis of the use of pronoun 'we' in political discours of European languages and Mandarin, we hope that the analysis will expand to other Asian or different regional languages. It will definite help the politicians to deliver their messages to the electorate more effectively so that the electorate can make their right choices in their future leaders.

Brian Wai
Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Inclusivity and exclusivity in the use of Cantonese ngo5dei6 (‘we’) in evasive replies in Hong Kong political discourse, Discourse & Society, October 2018, SAGE Publications,
DOI: 10.1177/0957926518802917.
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