What is it about?

PRISM is a novel clinical service based on partnerships between shelters and public health care providers. It addresses the needs of people experiencing homelessness and severe mental illness in Montreal. It also allows a more precise assessment of housing and service needs than immediate placement.

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Why is it important?

Individuals experiencing homelessness and mental illness have high needs that are not addressed by the regular offer of services. It the latest years, there has been an increase in the number of homeless people in many large cities, including Montreal. PRISM is a way to meet people where they are and to help them progress toward their goals in terma of reintegrating the community.


This article is important as it is the first scientific publication to delineate what is a PRISM for an international readership. We hope it is going to stimulate other initiatives elsewhere to better meet the need of individuals facing homelessness and mental illness.

Dr. Vincent Laliberté
McGill University

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: PRISM: A Shelter-Based Partnership for People Experiencing Homelessness and Severe Mental Illness, Psychiatric Services, April 2022, American Psychiatric Association,
DOI: 10.1176/appi.ps.202000682.
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