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It is not entirely clear how psychotropic drugs affect clinical changes in Alzheimer’s disease. This study aimed to assess the effects of psychotropic drugs over cognitive and functional changes in Alzheimer’s disease according to genetic variants. The results support the harmful prospective effects of atypical anti-psychotics and anti-epileptic drugs over cognitive and functional changes in Alzheimer’s disease, particularly for APOE-ε4 non-carriers, while anti-depressants may be safer options for behavioral enhancement.

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This page is a summary of: APOE ε4 Carrier Status as Mediator of Effects of Psychotropic Drugs on Clinical Changes in Patients With Alzheimer’s Disease, Journal of Neuropsychiatry, October 2022, American Psychiatric Association,
DOI: 10.1176/appi.neuropsych.21060160.
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