What is it about?

How policies move ? This paper try to answer this question by following the case of OTOP. It shows its relations with the Japanese One Village One Product (OVOP) initiative and the role of the different policy networks that were involved in the creation of OTOP, while advocating for a shift in the study of policy mobilities.

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Why is it important?

In an increasingly interconnected and complex world, there is a necessity to make the study of policy movement evolve. By doing so, we are able to identify the divergent dynamics that produce policies, and therefore to build analysis frameworks.


This article is my first published academic work, it means a lot for me. I tried to balance two sides of what I believe is important for policy research. On one hand, there is the theory and methodology, which can seem rather boring to a normal audience. One the other hand, I like the fact that following a policy is like telling a story, and I hope more people can feel the same and relate to this part of my work in the same way they could read a news report or an exciting essay.

Valentin Noble

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Mobilities of the One-Product policy from Japan to Thailand: a critical policy study of OVOP and OTOP, Territory Politics Governance, September 2018, Taylor & Francis,
DOI: 10.1080/21622671.2018.1511463.
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