What is it about?

The US Hispanic community is very diverse. This has an impact on the people in the community when it comes to understanding and negotiating translated language, especially in hospitals and courts. This article examines the roles played by translators and interpreters working for this community in the United States.

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Why is it important?

The article shows the views of the professional translators and interpreters, who themselves are very diverse, when they are faced with dialectal varieties of Spanish and technical medical and legal terms and concepts. Their views create a road map for future translators and interpreters.


Translating can be a lonely activity. As a translator and as a language and translation educator, conducting this research gave me a perspective of the solutions and approaches adopted by other translators and interpreters to translation problems that all language professionals are faced with at one time or another.

Beatriz - Cortabarria

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: The role of translators and interpreters in hybrid English–Spanish contexts in the USA, Language and Intercultural Communication, March 2015, Taylor & Francis,
DOI: 10.1080/14708477.2015.1015345.
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